How To Stop An Elenora Cockatoo Plucker And A Screaming Citron Cockatoo

How To Stop An Elenora Cockatoo Plucker And A Screaming Citron Cockatoo

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We have an elenora cockatoo (aka medium sulfur crested) that we have had for 21 years.


We got her when she was 4 months old.


Within the last two years she has started to yell.


Within the last year it has gotten real bad.


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How Winter Places Stress On Pet Birds

How Winter Places Stress On Pet Birds

Birds have a highly developed sense of light. In humans, we perceive light through our eyes.
Our feathered friends have an additional way of interpreting light conditions, a special gland that surrounds the eye. Read more on this
As days get shorter and the temperature falls, we want you to be aware of some issues the changing weather may have on your birds.
In the wild, animals rely on the cycling of the sun, and the seasons to adjust their biological clocks and metabolism. It is the sun, and changes in the quality of light and length of the day which set the stage for breeding, migration, molting, and daily behavior patterns.


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Find Out How Much You Know About Keeping Birds With This Exam – Even Earn a Certificate!

Find Out How Much You Know About Keeping Birds With This Exam – Even Earn a Certificate!

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Clear And Unbiased Facts About What Are The Best Seed, Blend And Pellet Diets For Captive Birds? (Without All The Hype)

Clear And Unbiased Facts About What Are The Best Seed, Blend And Pellet Diets For Captive Birds? (Without All The Hype)

There is no perfect seed, blend or pellet diet for any exotic bird species. Our Senegal parrot Peaches eats whatever broken bags or tubs we get with our deliveries.  

She probably has five or six brands in her food storage container currently. I even toss in large parrot food and simply crack the big nuts open for her.

Not all pellets on the same. The concept behind pellets is they are an engineered food  containing 100% of all the nutrition that a bird needs.  At the Hagen Avicultural Research Institute  they have third generation quaker parrots who have been eating Hagen Tropican exclusively for 25 years.


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Parrotlet Perch & Diets, Hanging (Bat) Budgie, Conure Life Spans, Grey Diets & More

Parrotlet Perch & Diets, Hanging (Bat) Budgie, Conure Life Spans, Grey Diets & More

I have recently purchased a new parakeet (Budgie)

As my beloved 7 yr old Sparky died. He is very young as the cere above his beak is just changing color from white to blue.

When I cover his cage at night he is on his top perch but when I get up in the morning Budgie is hanging upside down from the top of his cage. He has a perch high up but moves to the roof when I am sleeping. Any ideas?

Martie H


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Kaylor of Colorado – the Best Bird Food You Never Heard of

Kaylor of Colorado – the Best Bird Food You Never Heard of

Kaylor of Colorado has been manufacturing ultra-premium nutritional products for pets since 1976. Mel Kaylor is Kaylor of Colorado’s founder. Mel Kaylor’s innovative ideas and firm belief in high quality natural products continue to be the mold for Kaylor of Colorado. Kaylor has a very proud and loyal team of employees. Kaylor’s management team has an average tenure of ten plus years with Kaylor. Kaylor is committed to developing world-class products and personalized relationships with all of our valued customers. Darrell Kaylor proudly runs the company to this day.


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Scenic Bird Food Offers Outstanding Nutrition for Any Species of Caged Bird

Scenic Bird Food Offers Outstanding Nutrition for Any Species of Caged Bird

Editor’s note: we all like variety. They just opened a supermarket not far from us called Pete’s – it is 55,000 ft.² with not only groceries but prepared foods and salads.

This is what we demand as humans which is why we offer so many brands and varieties of bird food. 

Small birds can live 15 to 20 years – larger ones 40 to 60 years, some even longer. Don’t you think it’s important that your birds should enjoy variety in their diets for the decades they are going to be around?


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