Can You Help Me With Lighting for My Eclectus Parrot?

Can You Help Me With Lighting for My Eclectus Parrot?

Victoria K. has an avian lighting question,

hi there, I purchased this hanging full spectrum light for my Eclectus a while ago and can’t seem to find the setup instructions (and don’t see them on your website).

Would it be possible for you to provide it to me?

Green Bean is in his cage 12-14 hours/day and is otherwise on a playstand most days unless I am away from home.

Is it ok for this light to be on for a full 12 hours (I am not often gone that long but just want to make sure because I think one of your articles mentions that retina damage can occur with more than 4-5 hours of UVA/UVB lighting in certain circumstances)?


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Here Are More Ants Around the Birdcage Solutions
Illustration of ant lifting a rock and sunset

Here Are More Ants Around the Birdcage Solutions

Alice H. relates this about ants around her birdcage,

Have fought off ants inside our home along two walls for years. Used diatomaceous earth which is a desiccant and harmless which was somewhat effective but messy.


Found Amdro Ant Granules and sprinkled outside on a few spots as a test. I was amazed to see the ants grab up the granules and take them right back to their nests.


Literally within days no more outside in those spots and consequentially no ants in the house anymore either.


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Can You Recommend a Quality Air Cleaner for My 3 Parrots?

Can You Recommend a Quality Air Cleaner for My 3 Parrots?

Virginia V. writes,




I have a blue and gold macaw, an orange wing Amazon, and an African grey. They have been living together for over 30 years. Each has a separate gigantic cage in a medium-size room with windows all around.


When I am home they have the ability to follow me around on the first floor.


I am in desperate need of an air cleaner. What would you recommend? Thank you so much for your Sunday morning messages.



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How Do I Care for the Special Needs of an Older Budgie?

How Do I Care for the Special Needs of an Older Budgie?

Debra C. wants to know how to care for the special needs of an older budgie,

I love all of the wonderful info about taking better care of my birds that I am able to take away from your newsletters.

But I am especially wanting more info on how to meet all the needs of my precious 9-year-old Goofus.

She still gets around in her cage pretty well most of the time by climbing, She is a fast climber. Sometimes she flies, I have added extra perches across the length of the cage so she doesn’t have to fly far.

She seems to have her good days and her not-so-good ones. But she seems happy. She and my much younger male budgie Lavender have fallen in love and are mostly inseparable.


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Are Essential Oils Safe to Use Around Parrots?

Are Essential Oils Safe to Use Around Parrots?

Linda is concerned with using essential oils around her bird,


Are essential oils safe to use around parrots? Like on the family dog. Not diffuser. Would you share your insight, please? Thank you, Linda and flock

Hi Linda

We discourage essential oils in a bird home simply because it’s oil. The oil can merge into floating particulates or aerosols that can line the nasal passage and respiratory system reducing a bird’s ability to breathe.



I’ve added a video about avian respiratory systems below.


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Whats the Best Way to Introduce a New Carrier to My Cockatoo?

Whats the Best Way to Introduce a New Carrier to My Cockatoo?

Patricia N. explains,


I have an Umbrella Cockatoo and have a new travel cage arriving soon. Always hard to get it to try anything new and he’s not a fan of cages, other than his usual ‘home’ cage.


Any tips on how best to get him inside his new travel cage. Thank you


Dear Patricia 


Set it up right next to the bird’s regular cage. On a table to raise it up if possible. Put some food in it, treats, toys, and let your bird check it out.


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Can My Quaker and Lovebird Share a Cage?

Can My Quaker and Lovebird Share a Cage?

Sharyl R. asks about birds sharing a single cage.


I have a Quaker and a lovebird and they are inseparable.


They have recently become roommates.



Their cages are next to each other with doors kept open.


They stay in the Quakers cage, Kas.


Is it ok to keep them together?


My Quaker does get aggressive if I go to get Jelly, my lovebird.



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How Do I Handle My Molting Green Cheek Conure With Another Bird?
Pineapple Conure

How Do I Handle My Molting Green Cheek Conure With Another Bird?

Lisa N writes,

Hey Catherine hope all is well I need your help again I thought by now I would be a better mommy 🙂

Our Reggie is molting big time she loves taking a bath every day I know it’s a rough time for birds but we also have a Pineapple conure and yes one is a boy and Reggie is the girl.


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Does My Parrotlet Need a Full Spectrum Light Source?

Does My Parrotlet Need a Full Spectrum Light Source?

Chris S. reached out to ask,

Does a parrotlet need a full spectrum light source?

And if so does it need it all year round if living in eastern PA?

Dear Chris

Unless you are living along the equator, no, natural lighting is not going to replicate what tropical birds need to keep their hormones level.


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