I Am Trying to Find Fluorescent Tube Lighting for My 2 Amazons

I Am Trying to Find Fluorescent Tube Lighting for My 2 Amazons

Marsha Asks:

Hi there – I’m trying to find fluorescent tube lighting for my two Amazons, as I understand the compact bulbs don’t carry quite the same punch.

What few I’ve found with high CRI (93+) and 5000K (Kelvin) are only available in packages, etc., so I’m wondering if LEDs rated at the same level are as beneficial, since workshop lamps, etc, of that sort, are easily available and much more easily installed.


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I Am Conflicted About Artificial Lights for Birds ~ Help

I Am Conflicted About Artificial Lights for Birds ~ Help

David K. is conflicted:

I am conflicted about what I read about artificial lights for birds.

I have cockatiels.

My avian vet says to be careful about such lighting which can damage a bird’s eyes (retina).

My vet has had first-hand experience with this.

I currently use ZooMed Avian sun lamps, overhead.


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How Much Lighting Will I Need for My New Bird Room?
White cockatoo and man in front of white background

How Much Lighting Will I Need for My New Bird Room?

Stephanie M. needs to know:

Hi. I am building a new house with a bird room (for a 30+-year-old female Moluccan cockatoo) located in the middle of the house (where all the excitement happens).

It will have a drain and water for easy cleaning, plus doors for nighttime.

It will also have appropriate lighting.

I will need to install wet-protected light fixtures (easiest is typical shower recessed 6″ fixtures that take standard Edison base bulbs).

That’s my question…if the room is 10’2″W x 5’6″D x 8′ 4″H, how many lights do I need?

Thanks for any advice you can lend


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Why is My Female Eclectus Hormonal but My Male Grey Not So Much?
Why is My Female Eclectus Hormonal but My Male Grey Not So Much?

Why is My Female Eclectus Hormonal but My Male Grey Not So Much?

Trish G asks:

Both are regularly seen by an Avian Diplomate Vet and are in great health, and they eat Harrisons, organic veggies (from the freezer section) and I hide sunflower seeds and pistachios all over their cage for them to hunt, which they do enthusiastically. 


We take them camping and sailing with us (my husband is both patient and tolerant!).


Lucy usually lays eggs 1-2 times a year, fall and spring, and I let her sit on them at night for about 3 weeks because I found if I pull them she keeps laying more. 


For the last month she’s been biting me quite hard (blood!) when I try to return her to her cage and random other times, and I’m not able to identify why. 


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My GCC Likes to Sleep in a Covered Area ~ Is This Hormonal Behavior?
green cheeked parakeet from a side view, a tropical and colorful pet from brazil

My GCC Likes to Sleep in a Covered Area ~ Is This Hormonal Behavior?

Scroll down for 8/27/20 updated responses

Christopher G. writes:

I have a question about bird behavior, and I thought it might find a home in the birdie brunch.

We have a four-year-old green cheek conure and a three-year-old Hahns macaw.

We keep them in travel/sleeping cages in our bedroom at night, with the doors unlatched so they can come out in the morning whenever they want.

Recently, at night, we have found our green cheek to have left her sleeping cage and nestled into a tight space between the two cages, underneath the towels that cover the cage.


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Which Lighting Fixtures Are Best for a Finch Cage?

Which Lighting Fixtures Are Best for a Finch Cage?

Carrie F. writes:

I’ve had diamond doves and then later had lovebirds in the past.

I’ve been without birds for a while, but I’m now setting up a large double flight cage in preparation for getting 2 or 3 pairs of finches.

I have a hanging bird light fixture, but since this cage is so wide (about 5 feet wide), I need to hang 2 fixtures.

I can’t find another one like what I already have so I’m looking around at what’s available.


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