Follow Up to Did a 6 Week Absence Cause My Budgie’s Negative Behavior?

Follow Up to Did a 6 Week Absence Cause My Budgie’s Negative Behavior?

Hi Mitch,

I just noticed that you posted my questions about Ricky on your Blog. 

Here’s the original post

I’m fine with that but feel a bit uncomfortable about naming my bird’s vet and giving her web address.

I came to you with my query as I am not seeing improvement in my bird after several appointments. 

Your advice has been read and will be re-read. 


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What Should I Do With the Three Eggs My Grey Just Laid?
A cockatiel bird at nest box incubating eggs

What Should I Do With the Three Eggs My Grey Just Laid?

Michael G. reaches back out with a new pet bird keeping challenge.


Hi, Mitch, I ordered a clamp-on light fixture for Lil’ Girl and Big Boy. 


While they have sunlight on the end of their cage (3′) and down one side (5′).


I figured it couldn’t hurt as the sunlight is filtered by windows with a light tint and filled with Argon gas which, I think, only prevents fogging. 


I am not sure about its filtering effect. 



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Cages, Short Toenails, Freezing Pellets, Are Eggs Bad ~ Answered!

Cages, Short Toenails, Freezing Pellets, Are Eggs Bad ~ Answered!

Editor’s note: sometimes we combine several answers into a post to make for more interesting and efficient reading endnote


Hi Mitch,


In response to the comment about travel cages, I have found a solution.


My Senegal parrot (Gonzo) did not like to hang out in a smaller cage.


So I got her a reasonably-sized cage that I can use for her travel or if she needs to stay with someone.


I can drive with it and strap the cage into a seat belt.


I set it up in another room and left the cage door open. She has started playing inside it and seems to like it.


Now, with COVID-19, I am working from home, and need it to be quiet when I’m on the phone.



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Can I Help Out Our Cockatiel During a Molt?

Can I Help Out Our Cockatiel During a Molt?

Scott S. inquires:


Hi – I actually have a birdie question.


We have a 2-year-old male Gray Cockatiel who has the worst case of “ouwie feathers” under his wings.


We can lift his wings and see a number of pin feathers that are causing some distress.


Question: what if anything can we do to help him out?


He’s fine otherwise, big beautiful boy and a best in class winner here in Florida last year.


Thank you in advance!



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In Response to “Do You Serve Your Pet Bird Chop?”

In Response to “Do You Serve Your Pet Bird Chop?”

Sherry L. comments:

Yes, my birds are fed ‘chop’ (Arlo the grey, calls it ‘bobbity’) This is a new term for what I have done for 28+ years.

Chop is chopped veg, grains, and sometimes, a tiny bit of seed sprinkled on top or a bit of walnut, or something.

I used to cut the vegetables larger because Arlo was pretty accepting of lots of things, and I didn’t have a food processor.

I also (now) feed Arlo a pelleted diet, along with the chop.

She also gets a small amount of fruit, and sometimes about an inch square of chicken breast (baked) or some steamed scallop (yum).


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