How Do I Stop My Parrotlet from Biting My Husband?
Dirty face and beak Pacific Parrotlet, Forpus coelestis in hand

How Do I Stop My Parrotlet from Biting My Husband?

Vicki M. writes:

My male parrotlet is 1 year 6 months old and takes big chunks out of my husband. He’ll be watching tv and the bird will fly over and take a chunk out of him. There’s no reason for this. 


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Are My Parakeet Babies Dying Due to Inbreeding?

Are My Parakeet Babies Dying Due to Inbreeding?

This super rare mutation (above) is what is known as the Feather Duster budgie. They are bred for their unusual feather growth which results in shortened lifespans. 

Cynthia H. asks

I have been raising parakeets for 6+ years and even handfed and took to bird stores to sell, but in the last couple of years I didn’t hand feed and they all crossbred with each other, I did not have the time to take to keep them separated.


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How Do I Help My Rescue Budgie with Splayed Leg?

How Do I Help My Rescue Budgie with Splayed Leg?

From Donna E.


question: I have recently been given a parakeet with a splayed leg. 


He eats and flys but he’s not very active and basically just sits in one place for long periods of time, especially if another keet doesn’t land next to him to get him moving.



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Do You Think That Birds Are Unhappy in a Bird Cage?

Do You Think That Birds Are Unhappy in a Bird Cage?

The problem with Quora is that anecdotal answers are opinions, not answers.


Another problem with answering this question is where would we find benchmarks for bird happiness?


I know when my ringneck is happy eating because he talks to his food.

If anyone walks into a room where he was alone for more than 2 minutes he will insist on “conversation: with him doing most of the talking.


But communicating his happiness or displeasure about any of his birdcages (he has 4), is something still opaque to me.



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Does Anyone Out There Clean Their Perches With Peroxide?

Does Anyone Out There Clean Their Perches With Peroxide?

Lee asks

Hi Windy City,

Does anyone out there clean their perches with peroxide?

Is it safe?

I’ve tried various surface cleaning methods followed by baking. 


Most recently, after cleaning off loose debris, I soaked in bleach water, then steamed with a brush attachment.


During a cold spell, so I did this indoors.


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How Do I Stop My Bird From Laying Eggs?

How Do I Stop My Bird From Laying Eggs?

It’s important to review egg-laying problems on a regular basis.

The discussion below will focus on single egg-laying instances and prolific egg-laying.

Other aspects of egg-laying encompass egg binding.

This is when the egg doesn’t make it out of the oviduct, the area between the uterus and cloaca on its own.

Another problem is when eggs are laid internally.


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The Differences Between Finches And Canaries

The zebra finch and canary are the most popular birds kept by pet owners, after budgies and cockatiels. They both also have a long history in captivity, as does the society finch. Let’s take a look at how these birds are alike and how they differ.




If you’re considering adding a finch or a canary to your family, you might be surprised to find that a canary is a finch. So you are only choosing among finches, really. Zebra finches, society finches, also called Bengalese finches, and canaries actually have a lot in common.


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