How Do I Get My Cockatiels to Have Little Birds?

William F. wants to know:


I have a question, is that appropriate?


If yes – I have had 2 cockatiels, m/f, for about 6 months.


They are about 2yrs old and happily paired.


A few months ago I even watched them having sex !!! (a shocker for me … :)) – but ….. no eggs, no little birds.


I do have a nesting box in the big cage, but neither bird has paid it the least attention.



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My GCC Likes to Sleep in a Covered Area ~ Is This Hormonal Behavior?
green cheeked parakeet from a side view, a tropical and colorful pet from brazil

My GCC Likes to Sleep in a Covered Area ~ Is This Hormonal Behavior?

Scroll down for 8/27/20 updated responses

Christopher G. writes:

I have a question about bird behavior, and I thought it might find a home in the birdie brunch.

We have a four-year-old green cheek conure and a three-year-old Hahns macaw.

We keep them in travel/sleeping cages in our bedroom at night, with the doors unlatched so they can come out in the morning whenever they want.

Recently, at night, we have found our green cheek to have left her sleeping cage and nestled into a tight space between the two cages, underneath the towels that cover the cage.


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I Have Questions About the 72 Hour Circadian Reset Technique

I Have Questions About the 72 Hour Circadian Reset Technique

Bill P. asks:


I have questions about the 72-hour circadian reset technique.


1. During the day portion of the 72 hour period would there be a problem with taking the bird, Blue and Gold Macaw out of her cage for food, exercise, and to interact with the family.


2. Can you provide clinical references pertaining to this technique?



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Can a Canary and Weaver Finch Share a Cage?

Black-headed weaver (AKA weavers, weaverbirds, weaver finches, and bishops) male nest building ~ above

Jeanne G. writes:

I have a canary and am thinking about getting a Weaver finch.

Feathered factoid: Finches are part of the canary family.

At the pets store, they were in the same cage: canaries and one Weaver finch that the owner said sings beautifully.

My young canary is just starting to sing.


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Does My English Budgie Have Testicular Cancer?

Does My English Budgie Have Testicular Cancer?

Pam G writes:

I have a 4-year-old male English budgie whose cere has changed from blue to purplish brown.


He also has loose whitish droppings and very large regular droppings.


He recently has stopped talking and doesn’t show interest in his mating rituals with his toys.


I am concerned that he has testicular cancer.



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Is The Hole Too High in This Nest Box?

Is The Hole Too High in This Nest Box?

Allan D writes:


It seems to me that the PrevuePet Cockatiel Nest Box, like all the other nest boxes, has the opening for the bird located too high.




When the bird is inside it has to do a standing jump of about 5 inches to get out, in fact, I can’t quite imagine how the bird manages to get out. 



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