12 YouTubers For Parrot Lovers You Need To Know

12 YouTubers For Parrot Lovers You Need To Know

At first I thought to myself “this’ll be fun.”


Once I started the project it was a bit more difficult than I forecasted.


I originally started with 9 YouTube channels but some favorites needed to be included not simply based upon numbers.


For those who are not following on us Facebook or our YouTube channel, you’ll note that we are ramping up our use of Fid-eo to better communicate caged bird care.


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Meet Your Next Parrot Problem Solver And She Has A Free Gift For You

Meet Your Next Parrot Problem Solver And She Has A Free Gift For You

I consider myself to be somewhat influential in the avian niche.

Professionally I subscribe to a handful of YouTube channels with other avian influencers producing a huge amount of video content for channels with massive numbers of subscribers.

The apparent criteria for being a YouTube avian influencer is to “have birds”


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What Is a Good Summary About How It Is to Own Parrots (Macaws Specifically)?
29715768 - set parrots and parakeets

What Is a Good Summary About How It Is to Own Parrots (Macaws Specifically)?

I don’t know that there’s enough storage space on the Quora servers to answer this.


I read that parrots are loud, noisy, and messy – a lot.

Then again so are children.

Let’s start with a top-level explanation.

Pet people in the disciple category will always react negatively towards the word own preferring instead to call it pet bird companionship.

In reality, birds are the most owned pets we can have.

We have to lock them up in a bird jail.


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We’ve Learned How Much We Know and Don’t Know About Captive Bird Care After Taking the Exam

We’ve Learned How Much We Know and Don’t Know About Captive Bird Care After Taking the Exam

Find the Birdy IQ exam here if you haven’t taken it

Of the first 170 exams we had a 25% pass with 75% correct answers to 44 multiple and true/false questions

Please share your comments below terms if you think this helped or did not.

What else would you like to see?

more questions and/or explanations to the answers.

Please comment below


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Find Out How Much You Know About Keeping Birds With This Exam – Even Earn a Certificate!

Find Out How Much You Know About Keeping Birds With This Exam – Even Earn a Certificate!

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What Is the Life Expectancy of a Parrot?

What Is the Life Expectancy of a Parrot?

There are no ways to predict the lifespan of any bird. The American Veterinarian Association says that 50% of all pet bird deaths are the result of malnutrition.

I was at a seminar where nationally known avian veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker spoke. She related a story of how an 80-year-old woman brought in a budgie for a wellness check.


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My bird just started biting and lunging – help

My bird just started biting and lunging – help


I am hoping you can help. We have a parrotlet and he will be 10 months old July 3 (2017).

We haven’t had any problem till about a month or so ago. He is biting hard and lunges when we go to take him out or if he is out and we reach toward him he comes after us.

We were told to have his wings clipped which we did and that worked for about a week and a half then he started right back in they clipped his first five flight wings. He did good for a short time, then we took him back again and they clipped # 6 & 7 it helped about a week and he is right back to biting and lunging.


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People Underestimate The Complexity Of Keeping Captive Birds Which Leads To Failure

Mitch..thanks so much for the great article on parrot ownership!! I’ve had birds for over 35 years and also volunteered at a parrot rescue. Periodically I would do a TV appearance with a couple of our birds. Like you, I was honest..they are noisy, they bite (the little Severe Macaw I had with me obligingly bit the host right on cue) and they are messy.

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What Type of Macaw Makes the Best Pet for a Small Family?

What Type of Macaw Makes the Best Pet for a Small Family?

Please don’t get discouraged because of one anecdotal story of stupidity. (See other Quora answers below) People die in car crashes every day but most of us still drive.

Here’s a little back story for you. The ancient Greeks kept parakeets. Not necessarily budgies because the Alexandrian parakeet got its name from Alexander the Great.  As the story goes Alexander was gifted one of those around 327 BC

File under more money than brains. We all know how crazy the Romans were but not many people know that they would assign a slave to take care of the family bird which was usually a parrot of some sort.


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