Fruit Flies Are Bothering My Umbrella Cockatoos (And Me)

Fruit Flies Are Bothering My Umbrella Cockatoos (And Me)

mitchr is red violet and italicized

Oh, hi. Good morning. My favorite bird people. How are you doing?

Good Martha. How about yourself?

Oh wonderful. I’m sitting here with my two umbrella cockatoos and we have some fruit flies.

I was wondering if you have any product I could order that might help with that?

Let me double-check.



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My Cockatiel Is Going Through Ascites.  

My Cockatiel Is Going Through Ascites.  

Name: Cynthia




I came across the story about your cockatiel Popcorn.


I am going through the exact same thing with my cockatiel.


Can you tell me the outcome?


I know it is likely grim.


Thank you, Cynthia and Bindi


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Why Is This Jubilee (Hybrid) Macaw Having A Difficult Molt?

Donna B writes on 9/9/2018

I have a 6-1/2 year old Jubilee Macaw (named Bijou) who seems to be having a very difficult molt.


I am concerned his constant picking might turn in to plucking.


Bijou has begun constantly picking on himself and pulls out not only larger feathers but also small to mid size feathers and gray fluff.


As of now, however, I don’t see any skin abrasions or blood.  


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What Are the Absolute Worst Types of Parrots for a First-time Bird Owner?

Once again, although well-intentioned, people are breaking down your choices into the macro of species (Quora question).

One answer started with

  1. Cockatoos
  2. Macaws
  3. Amazons


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Why Are We Talking About Treating Bird Bite Wounds?

Why Are We Talking About Treating Bird Bite Wounds?

Were not going to start with bird bites because we’ll be talking about several first-aid challenges you may face having a bird or two in your home for several decades.

Everyone likes to think of themselves as being prepared for disaster and certainly life’s cuts and scrapes.  

I’ve personally sutured a dog in a garage (after 5 minutes of training by my vet) 🙂


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Indian Ringneck Love Brings Ringneck Problems

Indian Ringneck Love Brings Ringneck Problems

Indian ringnecks are marvelous birds and I’ve had the great fortune to live with the species in two different households.

They’re not big birds they weigh an average of 115 g about the body size of a Senegal or a fat cockatiel but the long tail gives the impression that it’s a much larger bird.

The overall length of the bird must be taken into consideration when choosing the right birdcage and especially the travel carrier.

They can be quite tame and are a relatively good talker.

Below you will find three curated questions about Indian ringnecks that found us one way or another and we felt sharing solutions would be helpful.


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What Is a Good Summary About How It Is to Own Parrots (Macaws Specifically)?
29715768 - set parrots and parakeets

What Is a Good Summary About How It Is to Own Parrots (Macaws Specifically)?

I don’t know that there’s enough storage space on the Quora servers to answer this.


I read that parrots are loud, noisy, and messy – a lot.

Then again so are children.

Let’s start with a top-level explanation.

Pet people in the disciple category will always react negatively towards the word own preferring instead to call it pet bird companionship.

In reality, birds are the most owned pets we can have.

We have to lock them up in a bird jail.


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Congratulations – You’re No Longer a Caged Bird Keeper.

Congratulations – You’re No Longer a Caged Bird Keeper.

You’ve been elevated to zookeeper

Dear Mitch,

I need advice in so many “bird” areas that I don’t know where to begin.  It seems that all the personal bird stores are disappearing and even the good vets are a rarity.  I have been involved with birds for almost thirty years.

I ordered a small crock on Amazon about a year ago and that is how I became “connected” with Windy City, your Sunday newsletters, etc.  It is the result of a vision “issue” that discourages me with the computer and I do much better “talking”.


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Converting Kitchen Cabinet Drawers to Fun Foraging Areas

Converting Kitchen Cabinet Drawers to Fun Foraging Areas

Hi Mitch,

How are you?  I hope that all is well.  I have recently encountered a problem with Seymour and was wondering if you might have some ideas for me.  

I usually have Seymour on the kitchen sink countertop where her toys are.  

She plays there pretty much all day and clean-up is easy.  As of 2 weeks ago, she has been climbing on the cabinets and chewing on the wood.  


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