What Happened to Lemons Missing Flight Feathers?
So, you’ve found yourself sharing a home with a parrot—or perhaps you’re contemplating the plunge into the colorful, squawking world of pet bird companionship.
When I took in a rescued Moluccan cockatoo he had 3 large sores and no feathers on his chest.
We provided him with a 4’×4’×6′ aviary cage with bird lighting, an open window to allow filtered afternoon sun for him to sit in, toys in the 1/3 to 1/2 upper part of the cage, and lots of rope and solid perches.
We take these little feathered angels in. They are not placed in isolation, just Gen-Pop.
Their quality of life is second to none.
The freshest commercially prepared bird foods. (more…)
You certainly need no reminder we are in the midst of a long holiday starting on Thursday (2024) the day we celebrate by shooting dangerous explosive devices 200 feet into the air and through the weekend.
Much like the Weather Channel reminds you to put a blanket in your trunk every winter, we’re here to provide a refresher for Parrot Pyrotechnic Prophylactic Preparation (that one caused a brain cramp 🙂
Windy City Parrot is on Indiana Route 2, a conduit to Interstate 65 Indiana 231, and Route 41 the same Route 41 as Lake Shore Drive in Chicago.
During the course of any given day, thousands of vehicles pass by us on this two-lane arterial corridor.
David K. reports, I have a White Faced Grey that just loves to sit in his cage and scream. I get him out several times a day and he's very…
This is a concern to help reduce feather plucking, screaming, and prolific egg-laying.
Here are some techniques to help reduce hormonal behavior and feather plucking in pet birds:
Richard NA H. writes,
Good Morning,
I loved your answer on which 3 nuts are good, WOW
My question is this, is this the time of the year where Macaws shed? My macaw the last 2 days has plucked out all of these small feathers. I am worried. HELP!!!!
The majority of pet bird keepers that prefer their bird’s wings clipped offer a similar response when asked about their motivation to remove the function that defines a species.
“I don’t want him to fly into a wall/window/glass table” are typical responses.