What Are Birds Thinking Part – 4 – Budgies

Lady and the Tramp (1955) Lady doesn’t know the real names of her owners, she calls them Darling and Jim Dear. This is because she only knows them by what they call each other. Darling is what Jim calls his wife and his wife calls him Jim dear.


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How a Parrot In Your Life Can Improve It’s Quality

In the tapestry of life, few threads are as colorfully woven as those tales where feathered companions cast a spell of transformation upon the human spirit.

Whispered through the annals of time and echoed in countless chronicles, the narrative unfurls—a vibrant testament to the avian alchemists who, with their wings and wits, refurbish the human soul.

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How Much Millet Should I Be Serving My Budgies?
How Much Millet Should I Be Serving My Budgies?

How Much Millet Should I Be Serving My Budgies?

Catherine Mc. related,

Hello and thank you both, Mitch & Catherine, for your Birdie Brunch each Sunday.

I just lost my beloved Fred (a parakeet) and not sure what happened. I was very close to him, as was my other parakeet, Eddie.


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