Would CBD Oil Help A One Eyed African Grey?

Would CBD Oil Help A One Eyed African Grey?

Name: Inna M


We have a 7 year old African grey.

Unfortunately we made a mistake and did not train him properly.

We are having problems with his behavior.

He attacks.

He bites.

He is angry.

He only obeys one person in the house.

Is it too late to train him? Who can we turn to?

Thank you.


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The Challenge Of Rescuing An Older Injured Citron Cockatoo
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The Challenge Of Rescuing An Older Injured Citron Cockatoo

Thank you Constance R.


So often its important to hear from independent third parties who provide valuable feedback on our pet bird content.


Having been in the process of rescuing budgies, (current budgie census is at six) and spending a lot of time with Peaches, our Senegal parrot weighing in at about 115 g, our recent focus has been skewed towards smaller birds.


Constance has a Congo African Grey and an Umbrella Cockatoo and from her recommendations, this is going to be a cockatoo-lishish post.


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Is It Wrong to Trim a Baby Budgies Toe Nails?

Is It Wrong to Trim a Baby Budgies Toe Nails?

Is it wrong to trim a baby budgies toe nails?


If it is wrong, then why is it wrong to trim a baby budgies toe nails?


This is my answer to a question on Quora.


Editor’s note: Another answer about trimming a budgie’s toenails had advised against clipping their toes to avoid bloodshed.


By using a Rotary trimmer you can avoid cutting any birds nails to the quick by having total control in conjunction along with knowing proper restraint for small birds.


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Bird Cage And Food Recommendations for 2 Quaker Cagemates

Bird Cage And Food Recommendations for 2 Quaker Cagemates

Looking for an appropriate birdcage to house 2 Quaker parrot cagemates
Hi Rose,
I think this 3159 Select would be a great cage from Prevue.
The 36-inch wide footprint gives the birds ample room for separation if needed.
It provides the best of both worlds having a dome top for interior height and a play area for time outside the cage.
As you can see it has ample seed skirts  


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Indian Ringneck Love Brings Ringneck Problems

Indian Ringneck Love Brings Ringneck Problems

Indian ringnecks are marvelous birds and I’ve had the great fortune to live with the species in two different households.

They’re not big birds they weigh an average of 115 g about the body size of a Senegal or a fat cockatiel but the long tail gives the impression that it’s a much larger bird.

The overall length of the bird must be taken into consideration when choosing the right birdcage and especially the travel carrier.

They can be quite tame and are a relatively good talker.

Below you will find three curated questions about Indian ringnecks that found us one way or another and we felt sharing solutions would be helpful.


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Eclectus toe tapping and wing flipping issues

Eclectus toe tapping and wing flipping issues

Image above – Female Eclectus r. vosmaeri at North Carolina Zoo, no other subspecies combines a purple abdomen and clear yellow undertail coverts.

Hi Mitch,

I just read your piece on eclectus, and I have a question.


If the elongated digestive tract is urban myth, then why does my bird develop the eclectus toe-tapping and wing-flipping if he has been given regular pellets and/or too many vitamins?

What would cause this?





Let’s start with the toe tapping wings flapping things.



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Eclectus Parrot Elongated Digestive Tract – Fact Or Fiction?
87956343 - the male bright green and female red and blue eclectus parrots are next to each other

Eclectus Parrot Elongated Digestive Tract – Fact Or Fiction?

Here’s an earlier eclectus parrot feeding question from our database:

I’ve read different articles on how much fruit to give my ekkies.

Some say it is ok to give them as much as they eat and others say the veggies should be their top priority.

I do try to give them an equal amount but it seems they have gotten picky about their vegetables lately.

I have been giving them different varieties and mixing up how I serve them – warm, cool, different spices on them but they still prefer the fruit.


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