What Are The Most Difficult Parrots To Keep As Pets For Most Bird Owners

What Are The Most Difficult Parrots To Keep As Pets For Most Bird Owners

What are the most difficult parrots to keep as pets for most bird owners?

First a little housekeeping.

When we talk about species of birds, it’s important to be specific.

To say that “cockatoos are needy”  would be inaccurate.


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How I Accidentally Rescued A Goffins Cockatoo

How I Accidentally Rescued A Goffins Cockatoo

I just want to thank you for the weekly messages – for the stories you tell, and all that you teach us.


I have had a 10-year-old female Goffin’s cockatoo in my care for 2-1/2 years.


Editor’s note: Goffin’s cockatoo aka, Tanimbar corella aka Goffin’s corella.


Her owner was someone I knew most of my life and she committed suicide suddenly with no warning.


She had many animals.


Horses, dogs, cats, snakes, rats, and a bird.


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What Do You Know About Macaw Asthma? It’s Really A Thing.

This first of three answers about macaw parrot keeping solutions is in response to the Quora question:

Is it unsafe to have a cockatoo in your home and a macaw, Given that many macaws are susceptible to asthma? Following up, is there any sort of test a macaw could have done to identify asthma? 

Macaw Asthma aka Macaw Respiratory Hypersensitivity disease is found in several species of macaws but is especially prevalent with blue and gold macaws.



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Can I Always Keep an African Gray Parrot in a Cage That is Placed in the Living Room?

Can I Always Keep an African Gray Parrot in a Cage That is Placed in the Living Room?

I’m going to interpret this as a cage placement question.

The answer is not straightforward.

Parrots like privacy.

We talk a lot about the birdcage canopy effect of lining the top third of your bird’s cage with so many toys that you can not see the bird.

This gives them a sense of security in that they are not easily seen all the time.

You have some sort of window covering in your bedroom, right? (more…)

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Should I Be Concerned My Peach-faced Lovebird Made an Egg?

Should I Be Concerned My Peach-faced Lovebird Made an Egg?

Unfertilized, she has no mate.

Yesterday my lovebird was a tiny velociraptor defending her nest, and I’ve been watching her ‘egg bum’ for a couple of days, now.

This morning she was bouncy and happy, apparently relieved of her butt burden, but this is not over, her bum is still looking eggy. Lovebirds usually have 5 eggs in a clutch..?


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Sex and the Single Bird

Sex and the Single Bird

There are two sides to this conversation.

There’s the “your bird needs to have some sort of sexual satisfaction in its life” and there’s the “what sex is your bird”?
Let’s start with bird sexing.
About 20 to 25% of parrots are classified as sexually dimorphic.

This means you can tell them apart by their color. Male Eclectus parrots are green and females are red.


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Would CBD Oil Help A One Eyed African Grey?

Would CBD Oil Help A One Eyed African Grey?

Name: Inna M


We have a 7 year old African grey.

Unfortunately we made a mistake and did not train him properly.

We are having problems with his behavior.

He attacks.

He bites.

He is angry.

He only obeys one person in the house.

Is it too late to train him? Who can we turn to?

Thank you.


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Why Are We Talking About Treating Bird Bite Wounds?

Why Are We Talking About Treating Bird Bite Wounds?

Were not going to start with bird bites because we’ll be talking about several first-aid challenges you may face having a bird or two in your home for several decades.

Everyone likes to think of themselves as being prepared for disaster and certainly life’s cuts and scrapes.  

I’ve personally sutured a dog in a garage (after 5 minutes of training by my vet) 🙂


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