Should I Replace a Recently Deceased Parakeet?
Yellow-green little parrot. Looks in the mirror.

Should I Replace a Recently Deceased Parakeet?

Jen S. relates:

I had 2 parakeets in a cage together for 2 years, and one of them suddenly died today.

Should I get another bird to put in the cage with the other one? Is it a good idea to do that?

Dear Jen,

We are very sorry for your loss. Your remaining parakeet is likely confused and frightened and will be lonely.


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Does My Birds Need Heated Perches and Warming Panels?

Does My Birds Need Heated Perches and Warming Panels?

Barbara D. wonders:


I have 2 Blue Fronted Amazons.


I have a heated Thermo Perch in the cage but am concerned about the winter room temperature when I bring the birds out to the living room in their cage to be with us, their room is set for 68/69 but the living room is more like 66.


So I thought the Snuggle Up panel might be good to add to the perch.


They have not checked out the warm perch yet.


I have seen them on the heated perch in the winter before, this perch is second to lowest perch in their cage.


Should I raise the perch a bit higher?



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How Do I Build an Outdoor Bird Cage?

Paul S. seeks advice:


My wife is getting a GCC (Green Cheek Conure) within the next month or so.


We live in the Midwest (Kansas City) and I would like to build a cage outside on our deck so our GCC can get some fresh air and enjoy the outdoors.


What size recommendations would be beneficial to our new bird?


Also what kind of shading does it need?


Our deck is on the east side of the house with the sun almost all day.



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Do Lighting CRI Ratings Help Birds & What the Heck are They?

Do Lighting CRI Ratings Help Birds & What the Heck are They?


I wanted to inquire about the three bulbs I purchased that were delivered today.
They are not the same bulbs that are shown in the photo and I’m not seeing a CRI on the bulb itself to be able to confirm that these are full spectrum.
I tried doing a google search of the product and from what I found, these bulbs have a CRI of only 81 (not full spectrum).
The bulbs were not delivered in a product box, they were sitting in a plastic container and wrapped with packing materials, so again I can’t confirm if I was shipped the incorrect bulbs.
Can someone please look into this for me? 
Caitlin D.


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What Wattage Bulb Do I Need to Calm My Amazon?

What Wattage Bulb Do I Need to Calm My Amazon?

Chuck Y. has a question about avian lighting:

Hi Mitch, my yellow-naped amazon can be very mean at times so I am going to get him a full spectrum light.

He is 32 years old and I miss being able to handle him, I could do anything with him and not get bitten.

I have heard the YNA does get this way as they get older but I think I want to try the light anyway.

I have a fixture so I just need to get a bulb.

I have heard 15 watts is ideal, what is your suggestion? Thank you for bringing this up in your birdie brunch.


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Are Vitamins Necessary When My Bird is on a Pellet Diet?

Are Vitamins Necessary When My Bird is on a Pellet Diet?

Michael G. asks:

Hi, Mitch.

I was using a powdered vitamin in Little Girl and Big Boy’s water. When I began using Roudybush pellets they recommended discontinuing the vitamin. I took them at their word and don’t see any ill effects after 8 months.

I’m wondering if birds are like I’ve been told about humans, rid themselves of unwanted vitamins?

We use a spray bottle on a mist regularly.

It is amazing to see their wingspan as it doesn’t seem possible they can spread out as they do! (more…)

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