How I Reduced Strokes in my White Capped Pionus
Green and grey parrot, White-crowned Pionus, White-capped Parrot, Pionus senilis, in Costa Rica. Lave on the tree. Parrots courtship in the nature. Pair of parrots in the tropic forest in America.

How I Reduced Strokes in my White Capped Pionus

Margarita wrote


I have tried to answer the post regarding the bird having strokes/seizures. 


I have experience with that.


Once I try to post an answer it asks me again for a WordPress login or to just enter my login. 


So twice it asks me for login but it still doesn’t work and I really want to give the person the info I know so she can discuss it with her Vet. 


I don’t have Word Press and don’t do FB.



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What is a Proper Size Birdcage for an Amazon Parrot?

What is a Proper Size Birdcage for an Amazon Parrot?

Gwyneth asks


 Is a 16 x 24 open done top actually bug enough for an Amazon parrot. I have a small space. The cage would fit much better than the 24 x 30 current cage?


Hi Gwyneth


Do you mean 24″ wide x 16″ deep?


Do you also currently have a 30″ wide x 24″ deep cage?


If your parrot is able to be outside of the cage (on top or on a stand) for several hours a day, then the smaller cage should be fine.

But if the bird is a large amazon you may wish to stay with the 30″ wide cage.






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Do You Think That Birds Are Unhappy in a Bird Cage?

Do You Think That Birds Are Unhappy in a Bird Cage?

The problem with Quora is that anecdotal answers are opinions, not answers.


Another problem with answering this question is where would we find benchmarks for bird happiness?


I know when my ringneck is happy eating because he talks to his food.

If anyone walks into a room where he was alone for more than 2 minutes he will insist on “conversation: with him doing most of the talking.


But communicating his happiness or displeasure about any of his birdcages (he has 4), is something still opaque to me.



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Should I Give Meds to My Conure to Relax and Quiet Him Down?
7641302 - green cheek conure parrot on top of blue cage against an off-white background

Should I Give Meds to My Conure to Relax and Quiet Him Down?

I rescued a male conure aged 3 yrs. Gino, is mean and a biter….No matter what I do. New cage. Change and varied foods. Very loud squawking


I adore him. He doesn’t feel the same. Meds to relax and quiet him down?!


Grama’s wondering



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Why Did My 3 yo Milagold Macaw Start Plucking Out of the Blue?

Why Did My 3 yo Milagold Macaw Start Plucking Out of the Blue?

Richard writes:

I have a 3-year-old Milagold Macaw, and his name is Rainbow.

Rainbow likes to bite and nibble things, like my clothes, my arm and whatever he can get.

How do I get him to stop, my arm has a lot of bruises from this, is there bird training classes for this or do I just tape his mouth close (LOL) please tell me what I should do?


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