How Can I Stop My Parrot From Plucking Its Feathers?
diseased blue small parrot, scratching from the itch and plucking its feathers, probably bird lice or mites

How Can I Stop My Parrot From Plucking Its Feathers?

From a Facebook fan last night

I’ve got a Catalina macaw that has a problem of plucking, I took her to the vet, she has a clean bill of health, now if anyone can help with the feather plucking problem, I would appreciate it, Thanks 

From a customer on the West Coast during a phone call this week

“My 14-year-old lovebird began to pluck for no reason at all.

We have him on the best foods we can provide like Harrison’s pellets but we had to put a collar on her to stop the feather loss.

Nothing has changed in her life and she is fully flighted”


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How Do I Care For A Hyacinth Macaw And Other Macaw Species Advice

How Do I Care For A Hyacinth Macaw And Other Macaw Species Advice

“The only thing a Hyacinth macaw needs is an adult tricycle”

A big shout out to Carl Bryant mentioning Windy City Parrot where the sun never sets empire and our avian-centric Birdie Brunch served every Sunday morning at 7 AM wherever you are on the planet in answer 2 of the Quora question How Do I Care For A Hyacinth Macaw?


Let’s continue to answer one.


“If you don’t know anything about parrots. for God’s sake do not get a Hyacinth Macaw!”


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When Environmental Accidents Stress A Pet Bird To The Breaking Point
Blue and yellow macaw ara parrot with a huge beak with plucked feathers on the chest on jungle background

When Environmental Accidents Stress A Pet Bird To The Breaking Point

A couple of weeks ago we talked about “You Are Sick With No Caique Caregiver – Now What?

In this follow-up thread we learn that “yes, it can always be worse.”

Hello Catherine,

I had written to you several weeks ago pertaining to the safety of microwaveable popcorn.

Two weeks ago, this coming Monday, I had kidney surgery and returned to my apartment door being busted into (door locks forcibly opened). 


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Why Birds Should Fear Humans Not Feral Cats
Close-up of young beard man with his pet Quaker parrot on shoulder at home. Monk parakeet is looking at camera with curiosity.

Why Birds Should Fear Humans Not Feral Cats

For those of you new to the discussion I recently reposted an evergreen article about the effect of feral cats on earth’s bird population.

This is a question from one of our nearest and dearest customers along with my response.

Hi Mitch. You know me. 

I’m a long-time customer of your store and will continue to be as long as the three of us are still alive on this earth. 

So it is with respect and affection that I tell you that it is irresponsible of you to deny that feral cats are harming wild birds. 


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Should I Give My Pet Bird A Mirror Or Not?

Is it okay if a bird sees the reflection of her cage in a mirror from a little distance? Does this make the same effect of a mirror inside of the cage?

One of the answers read: “Larger birds such as parrots have no trouble telling that their reflection is not another bird. For smaller birds, the mirror would probably need to be in the cage so that the bird could actually play with its reflection.”

but the answer makes no sense.


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Do Dowel Perches Harm Budgies Feet – Avian Diabetes – Shoes – Avocados

Do Dowel Perches Harm Budgies Feet – Avian Diabetes – Shoes – Avocados

Notably absent from the prior answers (on Quora) are the words “and I inspect my bird’s feet by flipping him over and examining his feet under a magnifying glass on a regular basis.”


As a vendor of bird cages and accessories for over 25 years, we advise people to take the dowel rod perches out of the cage immediately upon assembly.


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4 Essential Quaker Parrot Questions Answered
Close-up of young beard man with his pet Quaker parrot on shoulder at home. Monk parakeet is looking at camera with curiosity.

4 Essential Quaker Parrot Questions Answered

Quaker parrots a.k.a. monk parakeets are unique little birds.


Feathered factoid – Quakers are the only parrot that builds a nest.


Not just any nest – a condominium nest.


Quaker parakeets nests are so large that they accommodate dozens of birds who share body warmth enabling them to endure the harshness of winters in Chicago and other major cities around the country.


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More CBD For Pet Birds – Mythbusting

More CBD For Pet Birds – Mythbusting

Although I firmly believe that correlation does not necessarily imply causation I’m very concerned with the fact that 60% of pet birds die of malnutrition according to necropsies (animal autopsies) performed by veterinarians.

I can’t help feel the explosion of feeding “chop” to pet birds has fueled that statistic.


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What Our Readers Think About Pet Birds And CBD Oil

What Our Readers Think About Pet Birds And CBD Oil

These comments are in response to last weeks post CBD Oil – Miracle Cure For Birds Or Just The New Snake Oil


From Taryn Palo


Regarding CBD oil.


My avian vet sells it. 


He’s taken care of my Umbrella cockatoo for 23 years now so I pretty much trust him. 


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What Are The Right Human And Commercial Foods For My Pet Bird
A green parrot eats cookies from human hands. The concept of pet nutrition.

What Are The Right Human And Commercial Foods For My Pet Bird

Shouldn’t we learn how to find the right foods for our pet birds?

Feathered factoid: as much as 30% of a bird’s calories are used in the production and maintenance of feathers.

Editor’s note: We don’t know what bird food your bird will like any more than what you like on Netflix.

“Transparent”, “Scandal” or “The Walking Dead,” shows are both loved and reviled.

We do know that instinctively your bird has a desire to “search” or “forage” for food seven days a week.


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