Can You Help Me Exercise My Ringneck?
Lisa S. offered,
I want to thank you for your advice on birdie exercise. Â
My ringneck was getting pretty noisy. He has a full spectrum lamp, lots of toys, and his own room.Â
Lisa S. offered,
I want to thank you for your advice on birdie exercise. Â
My ringneck was getting pretty noisy. He has a full spectrum lamp, lots of toys, and his own room.Â
Dear Catherine,
I thought I’d give you an update about my new bird Milo — a young (I think), companion for my 4-year-old budgie Omar.
Peter M. wrote:
If she (a parrotlet) is sitting on my hand she will turn around and give me a good wallop. She attacks everyone in my family, biting their necks, and arms wherever she can. It is getting out of control.Â
I have a full spectrum light above her cage, and turned it off hoping it would help. Â I have reduced her hours of daylight and she is now getting 12 hrs of sleep.
This is a follow-up to the post How My Cockatiels Are Surviving a Long Trip Away From Home Diane P. relates, Using the suggested 72 hours of light seemed to…
Chris S. reported, Our four-year-old parrotlet has recently started laying eggs. She has suddenly begun nesting under the newspaper we put in the bottom of her cage. So far she…
J. J. H., II wrote: Hello Catherine, I have a quick question for you. I have a female Budgie that I have had for over two years. Her birthday is…
This is a concern to help reduce feather plucking, screaming, and prolific egg-laying.
Here are some techniques to help reduce hormonal behavior and feather plucking in pet birds:
Currently, ChatGPT averages 13 million unique visitors a day, according to UBS and I’m one of those charmed by the magic.Â
Because the backbreaking job of putting words onto a digital screen can weary a senior citizen like me I will start attempting to offload this heavy burden by employing the cheapest (for now – I’m already on the waitlist for the pro version) employee I could find ~ a robot.
Hi Mitch and Catherine,
I have been searching for information about using a mirror for my Blue and Gold macaw but have not been able to find accurate information on mirrors and birds, especially large parrots. (more…)