This is Not the Way To Fix Your Bird’s Dry Skin

This is Not the Way To Fix Your Bird’s Dry Skin

Stacey W. relates:

Hi! I have a beautiful 2  1/2-year-old caique named Sir Herbert (Herbie for short).

And he has been exhibiting increasingly excessive scratching over the past months.


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Cages, Short Toenails, Freezing Pellets, Are Eggs Bad ~ Answered!

Cages, Short Toenails, Freezing Pellets, Are Eggs Bad ~ Answered!

Editor’s note: sometimes we combine several answers into a post to make for more interesting and efficient reading endnote


Hi Mitch,


In response to the comment about travel cages, I have found a solution.


My Senegal parrot (Gonzo) did not like to hang out in a smaller cage.


So I got her a reasonably-sized cage that I can use for her travel or if she needs to stay with someone.


I can drive with it and strap the cage into a seat belt.


I set it up in another room and left the cage door open. She has started playing inside it and seems to like it.


Now, with COVID-19, I am working from home, and need it to be quiet when I’m on the phone.



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Can I Help Out Our Cockatiel During a Molt?

Can I Help Out Our Cockatiel During a Molt?

Scott S. inquires:


Hi – I actually have a birdie question.


We have a 2-year-old male Gray Cockatiel who has the worst case of “ouwie feathers” under his wings.


We can lift his wings and see a number of pin feathers that are causing some distress.


Question: what if anything can we do to help him out?


He’s fine otherwise, big beautiful boy and a best in class winner here in Florida last year.


Thank you in advance!



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Why Does My Macaw Hate the Inside of His New Birdcage?
Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna in a cage

Why Does My Macaw Hate the Inside of His New Birdcage?

Dale S. has a new B&G macaw rescue and relates:

About a month ago I received a blue gold macaw as kind of a rescue, the folks that had him couldn’t handle or take care of him anymore. I am his third owner in as best they could tell me 12 years. 

I don’t have any experience with macaws prior. 

So far so good except the cage ordeal. 


The cage they gave me for him was way too small and he absolutely hated it so I built him a perch to hang out on in my basement till I could get a suitable cage for Oscar. 


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Help ~ I Have a Greenwing Macaw Who is Almost 30 Years Old!

Help ~ I Have a Greenwing Macaw Who is Almost 30 Years Old!

Sherry S. writes:

HELP! I have a Greenwing Macaw who is almost 30 years old.  He has been with me since he was 2 years old. I have been told Greenwings regurgitate more than other breeds.

It seems he is especially bad this year and it’s been going on for months.


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