Find Out How Much You Know About Keeping Birds With This Exam – Even Earn a Certificate!

Find Out How Much You Know About Keeping Birds With This Exam – Even Earn a Certificate!

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Which Are the Most Affectionate Parrots and What Makes Them That Way?
White cockatoo in front of white background

Which Are the Most Affectionate Parrots and What Makes Them That Way?

Just about any bird has the ability to be “affectionate” but we should define affectionate first.

In most cases it goes beyond the affection you would see between a parent and child.

At the end of the day, all thinking animals have one thing in mind and one purpose on earth which is to procreate. (more…)

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My Bird Just Started Biting and Lunging – Help!

My Bird Just Started Biting and Lunging – Help!


I am hoping you can help. We have a parrotlet and he will be 10 months old July 3 (2017).

We haven’t had any problem till about a month or so ago. He is biting hard and lunges when we go to take him out or if he is out and we reach toward him he comes after us.

We were told to have his wings clipped which we did and that worked for about a week and a half then he started right back in they clipped his first five flight wings. He did good for a short time, then we took him back again and they clipped # 6 & 7 it helped about a week and he is right back to biting and lunging.


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What Type of Macaw Makes the Best Pet for a Small Family?

What Type of Macaw Makes the Best Pet for a Small Family?

Please don’t get discouraged because of one anecdotal story of stupidity. (See other Quora answers below) People die in car crashes every day but most of us still drive.

Here’s a little back story for you. The ancient Greeks kept parakeets. Not necessarily budgies because the Alexandrian parakeet got its name from Alexander the Great.  As the story goes Alexander was gifted one of those around 327 BC

File under more money than brains. We all know how crazy the Romans were but not many people know that they would assign a slave to take care of the family bird which was usually a parrot of some sort.


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My Ringneck Parakeets Are Biting Me One Day After I Bought Them – Help

My Ringneck Parakeets Are Biting Me One Day After I Bought Them – Help

You may have noticed the “live help” tab at the bottom of the site coming on now and then: Here’s a “fly on the wall” look

Chatting with Guest (Egypt)

Mitch: Hello, how can I help?

Visitor: I brought 2 Indian parrots 6 months old yesterday.

Visitor: Yesterday they were nice but today they tend to bite so hard.


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5 Ways to Reduce Hormonal Bird Behavior Before You See the Avian Vet

Hypothetical – a 21st-century genie sits down next to you on a park bench. He looks pretty normal and explains that the whole genie thing has evolved along with modern society.

The dapper young lad named Gene (really?) goes on to say;


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When Sun Conures Attack!

When Sun Conures Attack!

Good morning and thanks for your time,

I enjoy reading your newsletters every Sunday, and I just knew yesterday, Sunday, I had to contact you. In short, my sweet female, 1.5 year old, sun conure decided to attack her sitter yesterday when she entered our home. Here is the scenario:

  • We had three other people present whom she
  • ignored.
  • The Super Bowl was on. The constant annoying cheering of the tv fans.

Now, she did not attack her right away. Perhaps it was not intended to be attack mode. Once the sitter passed me and my bird Sofia, Sofia immediately flew towards her, the sitter, not expecting it, flailed her arms.


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Why 4 Roommates 2 Feathered and 2 Humans Need to Work Things Out.

Why 4 Roommates 2 Feathered and 2 Humans Need to Work Things Out.

Jan 9, 6:36pm

Hello, I have two Caiques. The first we have had for 6 years and is sweet mostly. The second, we introduced about 2 years ago. At first, the two about killed each other, but now they are friends.

However, the second caique does have an issue with wanting to be super nice to me and then all of the sudden out for blood. It goes for fingers, almost always. I am fairly sure it had a bad childhood and feel awful for it. It has some great times, but then sometimes will revert and attack. It goes in phases.

I am curious if you have any ideas of how to break this? Currently, to hold the bird or get it, most times I need to have a towel, which it is so smart to hold it’s wings out so I cannot wrap it up. It flips out from the towel also so I cannot grab it, always going for fingers and biting. Thank you for any information! Sometimes I’m at my wits end with this bird, but have been trying and trying to make it have a great life.


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