Nekton Relax for Birds In Stock with All Nekton Products
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Every bird expresses their food preferences in various ways – some picking at meals, some finishing off everything on their plates, and others discreetly hiding bites they don’t like. (more…)
Pellets are a key trigger – that soy stimulates hormones like nothing else. But sugary and fatty foods can do it too, depending on the individual.
Catherine Mc. related,
Hello and thank you both, Mitch & Catherine, for your Birdie Brunch each Sunday.
I just lost my beloved Fred (a parakeet) and not sure what happened. I was very close to him, as was my other parakeet, Eddie.
The store shelves overflow with a wide array of hydro flask options, accompanied by a multitude of filtered water pitchers designed to be poured into them.
Consequently, there are no valid reasons for us, as humans, to neglect our obligation to consume a daily portion of fresh, chilled water that matches our personal preferences.
I tried the 72-hour light treatment with my female Great Billed Parrot and the first night after it was done she laid another egg – please advise!
Nekton Relax for Birds
is a product designed to help alleviate stress in parrots and other birds.
Stress can have various negative effects on birds, including behavioral issues, health problems, and a reduced quality of life. Here’s how Nekton Relax can assist in managing parrot stress:
Are you a proud pet bird owner?
If so, you know that feeding your feathered friend the right food is essential for their health and happiness.
But with all the different types of bird food out there, it can be difficult to decide what’s best for your pet.
Mary J. wrote,
I give my birdie plenty of bird food options in a few locations. Do I need to dump out everything each day? It seems wasteful because it’s clear there’s plenty of “good” food left. Do I just add more the next day on top?
[email protected] seeks nutritional counseling for her Senegal parrot,
Hi. I have followed your blog for years and truly appreciate your wisdom. I have a 29-year-old Senegal parrot.
She has taken to doing some egg-laying (3 at a time). I do have the light that I purchased from you which hopefully helps turn it on, wondering if I should purchase the calcium/magnesium supplement for her?