How Much Do I Really Need to Feed My Cockatiel Daily?
How Much Do I Really Need to Feed My Cockatiel Daily?

How Much Do I Really Need to Feed My Cockatiel Daily?

Mary J. wrote,


I give my birdie plenty of bird food options in a few locations.  Do I need to dump out everything each day? It seems wasteful because it’s clear there’s plenty of “good” food left.  Do I just add more the next day on top?

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Why Can’t I Get My Senegal Parrot to Eat Nutritionally Correct?
Why Can't I get My Senegal Parrot to Eat Nutritionally Correct?

Why Can’t I Get My Senegal Parrot to Eat Nutritionally Correct?

[email protected] seeks nutritional counseling for her Senegal parrot,

Hi.  I have followed your blog for years and truly appreciate your wisdom.  I have a 29-year-old Senegal parrot. 

She has taken to doing some egg-laying (3 at a time). I do have the light that I purchased from you which hopefully helps turn it on, wondering if I should purchase the calcium/magnesium supplement for her?

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