I Am 72 Years Old & Do Not Want Her Rehomed From a Rescue

I Am 72 Years Old & Do Not Want Her Rehomed From a Rescue

Karen S. relates,


Mitch, I have had birds for the last 35 years all have lived a wonderful life and went to the rainbow bridge before I wanted them to.


I am now 72 years old and I do not want to place her where she will be adopted out.


She is 26 years old, a rescue, and needs a special bird person.


I live outside Annapolis, MD, and have found places that do the rescues and adopt them out or sell them.



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How Does My Family Keep Our Blue & Gold Macaw as My Parents Age?

How Does My Family Keep Our Blue & Gold Macaw as My Parents Age?

Kirstin B. relates


I have a blue and gold macaw parrot. He has been in the family since he was a baby.  Sadly my great uncle was the one who got him and died shortly thereafter.

He has gone through 2 other family members until sitting with me and my dad.


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In Response to “Do You Serve Your Pet Bird Chop?”

In Response to “Do You Serve Your Pet Bird Chop?”

Sherry L. comments:

Yes, my birds are fed ‘chop’ (Arlo the grey, calls it ‘bobbity’) This is a new term for what I have done for 28+ years.

Chop is chopped veg, grains, and sometimes, a tiny bit of seed sprinkled on top or a bit of walnut, or something.

I used to cut the vegetables larger because Arlo was pretty accepting of lots of things, and I didn’t have a food processor.

I also (now) feed Arlo a pelleted diet, along with the chop.

She also gets a small amount of fruit, and sometimes about an inch square of chicken breast (baked) or some steamed scallop (yum).


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Will Vitamin E Help Heal My Birds Foot Sores?

Will Vitamin E Help Heal My Birds Foot Sores?

Hi Mitch,


Thank you so much for getting back to me, what you had to say was very helpful. 


I do not know how to send pictures from my Chrome book, only know how to send pictures with my phone, I’m not very good with technology. 


I did get Alex a rope perch recently, but he won’t go near it as of yet.


I read on the parrot forum that Vitamin E oil is good for pressure sores. 


Do you agree? 


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Windy City Parrot Defines Small And Smallest Species of Pet Birds

Windy City Parrot Defines Small And Smallest Species of Pet Birds


Zebra Finches – Gray Chestnut Finches – Flanked White Finches – Fawns Lightback Finches – Black Cheek Finches – Black Breasted Finches – Florida Fancy Finches – Orange Breasted Finches – Penguin Finches – Pied Finches – Eumo Finches – Agate Finches – Recessive Silver Finches – Black Face Finches – Fawn/Gray Cheek Finches – Dominant Silver Finches – Crested Finches – White Finches – Yellow Beak Finches – Timor Finches – Society Finches – Society Finch (Bengalese) – White Rumped Mannikin Finches – Gray Crown Mannikin Finches – Java Finches – 


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Do Hormones Control This Amazons Seasonal Regurgitation?

Do Hormones Control This Amazons Seasonal Regurgitation?

Dear Mitch, Catherine, and associates,

First thank you for the opportunity to contact you about my parrot, who’s a BF Amazon, named “Dollar.” I wish to add, I adopted him at 6 yrs old, and he wouldn’t let me call him any other name than what it had been.

So, he’s a fabulously happy birdie, but several years in a row around this time of year, he begins to regurgitate and swallow, over and over again. He holds the top of a bell and raises and lowers his head like an oil well, only really fast.

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At What Age Do Parrots Fully Mature?
Woman with Parrot on Shoulder Standing by The Van

At What Age Do Parrots Fully Mature?

Apologies in advance, I’ll be stepping on some toes here. But first I will man up and say I don’t have a good answer, here’s why.

Pet bird keepers regardless of their avian resume cite all sorts of, “facts”. Certain species mature at this age, other species mature at another age.


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Caring for 2 Senior Lovebirds
Two colorful parrots, Rosy-faced lovebird, Agapornis roseicollis, also known as rosy-collared or peach-faced lovebird, are in love against black background

Caring for 2 Senior Lovebirds

I have 2 love birds that are approaching 20 years of age – Help Scout

Beth W replied Feb 5, 12:42pm

I have two love birds that are approaching 20 years of age and was wondering if there are special nutrition or habitat changes I should make for them. 

Mitch replied Feb 8, 10:09pm

Beth – do you know their sex?

Beth W replied Feb 9, 6:29pm

They are both male peach faced love birds, one is a year older than the other. The older bird is having problems with his balance occasionally.


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