In Response to “Do You Serve Your Pet Bird Chop?”

In Response to “Do You Serve Your Pet Bird Chop?”

Sherry L. comments:

Yes, my birds are fed ‘chop’ (Arlo the grey, calls it ‘bobbity’) This is a new term for what I have done for 28+ years.

Chop is chopped veg, grains, and sometimes, a tiny bit of seed sprinkled on top or a bit of walnut, or something.

I used to cut the vegetables larger because Arlo was pretty accepting of lots of things, and I didn’t have a food processor.

I also (now) feed Arlo a pelleted diet, along with the chop.

She also gets a small amount of fruit, and sometimes about an inch square of chicken breast (baked) or some steamed scallop (yum).


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Neighbor’s Are Suing Me for My Amazon’s Noise What Can I Do?

Neighbor’s Are Suing Me for My Amazon’s Noise What Can I Do?

Pamela S writes:


I’ve 2 yellow Naples 37 and 40 years of age I’ve had since hand feeding. 


Recently after 26 years in this neighborhood my neighbor after 8 years has taken me to court for noise violation.


They’re outdoor cages in Fl. With 1 umbrella cockatoo in this heat, the judge said I should cover them which would kill them.



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How Do I Transition 8 Amazons and 2 Macaws to a Large Aviary?

How Do I Transition 8 Amazons and 2 Macaws to a Large Aviary?

Barb H. asks:


I’d appreciate advice on integrating parrots into a 36′ X 10 communal aviary for 8 amazons & 2 macaws.


These birds have all lived together in the same room divided by partitions. Although separated, they can see each other and communicate.


Since they’re familiar with each other, I’m hoping for a painless transition.



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Should You Bathe Cockatoos and Amazon Parrots?

Should You Bathe Cockatoos and Amazon Parrots?

Sheryl M. asks:

Hi Mitch and Catherine,

Love your information.


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What is a Good Quality Seed Mix to Feed 4 Species of Pet Birds?

What is a Good Quality Seed Mix to Feed 4 Species of Pet Birds?

I’m looking for a good quality seed mix for my 4 birds


Darryl Z. asks:



I’m looking for a good quality seed mix for my 4 birds – a CAG, a Yellow-Shouldered Amazon, a Meyers, and a Caique.


I’m currently using Vita Parrot by Sun Seed but it’s become really filthy over the years.

I actually, pick out the papaya because it’s so filthy and looks so gross, I don’t want my birds eating it.


So that’s where I’m coming from and I wonder if you could please recommend a few of your top mixes.



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Why is Bird Lighting So Confusing?

Why is Bird Lighting So Confusing?

Laurie J writes


I read your article about extending the daylight of a hormonal bird and if that doesn’t work, setting up artificial light for 72 hours …no vet has ever recommended this and I thought it was brilliant and much better idea then lupron!!! (you’re now my go-to resource -even before a vet..and I will support you guys anyway I can!!) it makes perfect sense.


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