I Have a Question About a Green Ringneck Male I Just Bought

I Have a Question About a Green Ringneck Male I Just Bought

Nauman asks

I am messaging about a Green (African) ringneck male I recently bought from a pet shop (who said he is 6 months old ) however he has a clear ring not on the full neck but it’s there.


Anyways the first day he didn’t eat anything, the second day he’s started to eat the mix of seeds.


He’s not hand tamed and not aggressive unless you try to grab him (which is not what I’m am trying to do)


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What Sizes Do the Tropican Parrot Food Pellets Come in?

What Sizes Do the Tropican Parrot Food Pellets Come in?

Linda L. would like to know:

Is the size of the Tropican Lifetime Parrot granules much bigger than the Tropican Lifetime Cockatiel granules?

Hard to tell from pictures

Dear Linda,

The Cockatiel size granule is 2 mm, the Parrot size granule is 4 mm.

The stick-sized pellet is about 3/4″ x ¼”.


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In Response to “Do You Serve Your Pet Bird Chop?”

In Response to “Do You Serve Your Pet Bird Chop?”

Sherry L. comments:

Yes, my birds are fed ‘chop’ (Arlo the grey, calls it ‘bobbity’) This is a new term for what I have done for 28+ years.

Chop is chopped veg, grains, and sometimes, a tiny bit of seed sprinkled on top or a bit of walnut, or something.

I used to cut the vegetables larger because Arlo was pretty accepting of lots of things, and I didn’t have a food processor.

I also (now) feed Arlo a pelleted diet, along with the chop.

She also gets a small amount of fruit, and sometimes about an inch square of chicken breast (baked) or some steamed scallop (yum).


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Why is It So Critical to Know Different Pet Bird Species?

Why is It So Critical to Know Different Pet Bird Species?

Why is it so important to understand the differences between bird species?


I’m not ashamed to say we get more deliveries from Amazon (like most Americans) then we care to talk about.


This week a new Amazon driver “Patrick” handed off an envelope then said “I’ve never been here before – this place looks cool.”



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How To Stop An Indian Ringneck Parrot From Biting

How To Stop An Indian Ringneck Parrot From Biting

We rescued a 15-year-old African ringneck about two months ago and renamed him Keto.

If he gets near my hand or arm he will lash out and try to bite me.

I’m very careful to avoid this.

Interestingly enough Catherine will draw him out of the cage with his big bell toy and he will play in her lap for half an hour, as long as she has the bell toy.

He will do anything for the bell toy.


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Out Door Aviary Advice For A Ringneck

This question comes from the Google My Business community.


Unfortunately Google sets character limitations in the answer box and I felt compelled to provide a well rounded solution.


Thus you found your way to our excellent blog on nothing but pet birds and captive bird care.


kenneth s


good evening Mitch, we recently put up an outside aviary for our rescue Indian ring neck.


we do not have regular screening up because we were afraid it would keep out the UV Light.


should we use that because of bugs, bees and mosquitos?


We need help


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What Are the Absolute Worst Types of Parrots for a First-time Bird Owner?

Once again, although well-intentioned, people are breaking down your choices into the macro of species (Quora question).

One answer started with

  1. Cockatoos
  2. Macaws
  3. Amazons


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Indian Ringneck Love Brings Ringneck Problems

Indian Ringneck Love Brings Ringneck Problems

Indian ringnecks are marvelous birds and I’ve had the great fortune to live with the species in two different households.

They’re not big birds they weigh an average of 115 g about the body size of a Senegal or a fat cockatiel but the long tail gives the impression that it’s a much larger bird.

The overall length of the bird must be taken into consideration when choosing the right birdcage and especially the travel carrier.

They can be quite tame and are a relatively good talker.

Below you will find three curated questions about Indian ringnecks that found us one way or another and we felt sharing solutions would be helpful.


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