Why Does My Pionus Go Nuts When He Sees the New Shirt I Bought?

Why Does My Pionus Go Nuts When He Sees the New Shirt I Bought?

Dear Janet

It is hard to tell why a bird doesn’t like a new hat or shirt we wear.

Was your Pionus a rescue? Did it come from another home before you had him? If so, he may have been traumatized by someone who wore something similar.

If you can avoid this terror by not wearing it around your bird. It is a kind thing to do.



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Do My Keets & Tiels Feel Depressed in Their Life of Captivity?
Budgies in a cage

Do My Keets & Tiels Feel Depressed in Their Life of Captivity?

Captivity is a relative term. I’m not relegated to my home but I still have to pay rent, go to work, pay taxes and perform all those duties that enable me to be a good neighbor and good citizen of the world.

If captivity is all that you know it really captive? We have four budgies, all rescues. We really don’t have the background on any of them but we’ve kept them flighted thus they don’t leave the cage.


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Would You Buy Cigarettes, Beer or Gasoline From a Parrot?

Would You Buy Cigarettes, Beer or Gasoline From a Parrot?

As a mid-20th century child a.k.a. baby boomer I grew up in what would be called a “naïve time”.
Allow me to illustrate.

Our priorities as a nation in the 1950s were much different than in the first quarter of the 21st century.
We didn’t allow ourselves to see or hear things that might hurt us – to bad humanity couldn’t have avoided the internet – we’d be a lot happier, I’m sure.


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I Would Really, Yes Really Be a Great Feather Father

I Would Really, Yes Really Be a Great Feather Father

Randy V. shares his thoughts,

I would really, yes really be a Feather Father. You see I really can be a Great Feather Dad. The thing is I’m home 99% of the time, I cannot walk out on a feather friend.

Because I cannot walk due to MS. I use a wheelchair to get around. But I don’t know where to even start, to find a healthy feather friend. My friend said he will sell me his African Grey when he & his wife gets sick of him. (more…)

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Is There A Reason My Quakers Foot Started Bleeding?

Is There A Reason My Quakers Foot Started Bleeding?

Carolyn L. is concerned with blood on her Quaker’s feet and wing.


Zachary is a 10-year-old Quaker. All of a sudden he started bleeding on his foot and under his wing. Nothing new is in his cage. He is moving around and eating ok. He seems very calm which is not like him. He is nasty and bitter and talks all the time. Any idea what it could be?



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