Are Vitamins Necessary When My Bird is on a Pellet Diet?

Are Vitamins Necessary When My Bird is on a Pellet Diet?

Michael G. asks:

Hi, Mitch.

I was using a powdered vitamin in Little Girl and Big Boy’s water. When I began using Roudybush pellets they recommended discontinuing the vitamin. I took them at their word and don’t see any ill effects after 8 months.

I’m wondering if birds are like I’ve been told about humans, rid themselves of unwanted vitamins?

We use a spray bottle on a mist regularly.

It is amazing to see their wingspan as it doesn’t seem possible they can spread out as they do! (more…)

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How Do We Stop Our Budgie from Over Preening Us?

How Do We Stop Our Budgie from Over Preening Us?

Chris M. seeks budgie advice:

Hello, I enjoy your site and your advice very much.

My wife and I just got our hand raised Budgerigar, the bird is very affectionate and spends quite a bit of time on our shoulders.

Recently it has started to preen us, the issue is that it’s preening can be painful as it will focus on skin imperfections or small folds of skin and nip quite hard.


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Should You Bathe Cockatoos and Amazon Parrots?

Should You Bathe Cockatoos and Amazon Parrots?

Sheryl M. asks:

Hi Mitch and Catherine,

Love your information.


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How Much Do You Understand About the Molt?

We’ve talked about the differences between molting, preening, and plucking in a post found here.

Molting is misunderstood and usually viewed as nothing more than a nuisance.

We have 10 birds in our home.

That means they’re going to shed between 50,000 and 70,000 feathers combined, annually!

Feathered factoid: Ducks have 10,000 or more feathers and swans have upwards of 12,000+.


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Can You Help Diagnose This Ailing Budgie?

Can You Help Diagnose This Ailing Budgie?

Linda Kay asks:


Hello Catherine- wondering if you can help, maybe a suggestion, we know you can’t make a diagnosis.

We have a young (1 yr) female budgie that suddenly (overnight) became wobbly, has a hard time perching, tucks her head in her wing, and has lost interest in all budgies in the flight (12) even a best buddy.


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Can Light Therapy Solve These 3 Birds Hormonal Problems?

Can Light Therapy Solve These 3 Birds Hormonal Problems?

Drugs like Lupron, Haldol, and Prozac were designed and tested by the FDA on humans.


Zero long-term testing of these drugs has been performed on any bird ~ ever.


The next time a veterinarian tells you “these are safe for your bird.”


Your response should be “please provide the data that backs up your statement.”



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Can I Give My Bird the Coronavirus? YES! Part 2

Can I Give My Bird the Coronavirus? YES! Part 2

The WHO has Changed its Position on Coronavirus and Pets

2nd pet dog tests positive for COVID-19 coronavirus

Pet cat tests positive for coronavirus in Hong Kong


From the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association)

“Out of an abundance of caution, it is recommended that those ill with COVID-19 limit contact with animals until more information is known about the virus”  

Find part 1 here

Can the coronavirus infect cats and dogs?

Coronaviruses are not particularly hard to please when it comes to potential hosts — they’ve been detected in many mammal and bird species, including dogs and cats, as well as livestock like cows, chickens and pigs. Read more



I think your article on birds catching the covid-19 might be misleading. 


Is there evidence of transmission from humans to birds for covid19? 


I think it’s highly unlikely.   


While these viruses can occasionally jump between distantly related species, it’s not common.  



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