Can a Canary and Weaver Finch Share a Cage?

Black-headed weaver (AKA weaversweaverbirdsweaver finches, and bishops) male nest building ~ above

Jeanne G. writes:

I have a canary and am thinking about getting a Weaver finch.

Feathered factoid: Finches are part of the canary family.

At the pets store, they were in the same cage: canaries and one Weaver finch that the owner said sings beautifully.

My young canary is just starting to sing.


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Why Blame Your Bird for Destroying Furniture or Injuring Itself?

Why Blame Your Bird for Destroying Furniture or Injuring Itself?

The thread below triggered the idea for this post.

It’s time to revisit the general subject of where to put your bird when it’s out of the cage.

It’s also time to look at some common sense pet bird-keeping ideas.

From Facebook:

“How do I get my bird to stop biting my neck?”

Answer: “Don’t put them on your shoulder until the bird is trained.”


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How Do I Fix My Hormonal Regurgitating Lovebird?

How Do I Fix My Hormonal Regurgitating Lovebird?

Lisa K writes:

I have a very hormonal lovebird.

Very. Hormonal.

To the extent that he is wearing the feathers away from his body from rubbing against his perch and his tail is all scraggly from grabbing it with his foot to balance himself.


At first, I was taking him to the “best avian vet in the state” who wanted to give him monthly shots at $45 a pop.



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Can You Help Diagnose This Ailing Budgie?

Can You Help Diagnose This Ailing Budgie?

Linda Kay asks:


Hello Catherine- wondering if you can help, maybe a suggestion, we know you can’t make a diagnosis.

We have a young (1 yr) female budgie that suddenly (overnight) became wobbly, has a hard time perching, tucks her head in her wing, and has lost interest in all budgies in the flight (12) even a best buddy.


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