How Do You Rehabilitate a Biting Senegal Parrot?

How Do You Rehabilitate a Biting Senegal Parrot?

The following is in response to our feathered community member Patrick.

Hi Patrick B,

I have a 27-year old Senegal.  I was reading your post and thought I would offer a few suggestions to you. First, as Mitch said, try clicker training.  It is basically positive operant conditioning.  Birds do not understand the word “no” and yelling at them will teach them how to scream.  So please give it a try. 


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Will This Whole-House Air Purifier Hurt My Birds?
parrot blue and trees and mountain green

Will This Whole-House Air Purifier Hurt My Birds?

Jacqueline K. seeks information on a whole-home air purifier:


Hello, I trust your expertise and did read your blog on air purifiers.

I have 2 parakeets, 1 ringneck dove, and 3 finches.


We are looking at a whole-house air purifier that will get installed in the air duct.


It was recommended to get the RGF Reme Halo.


Is this going to be safe with my birds?


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Should Our Greys Birdcage Be Covered at Night?
African Gray Parrot sits on cage and sleeps. Playful and affectionate bird able to talk. loving and friendly social companion bird. stunning dusty-gray color and looks quite similar to a pigeon

Should Our Greys Birdcage Be Covered at Night?

Jim G. inquires:

For many many years, we have covered our Greys cage at night.

Then about 10 years ago I met a woman who is a certified African Grey rescuer. She said ABSOLUTELY NOT!

That parrots of course originated in natural environments and had to be at all times able to detect danger.


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How Long Is Too Long for Birds in Travel Carriers?

How Long Is Too Long for Birds in Travel Carriers?

Judy M. worries about:

Hi, Mitch,

The closest avian vet to me is 2 hours away, I worry about my bird being in his travel cage or carrier ( as I have both) for so long, the trip there, the trip home, the visit itself…..

Do you think it would be extremely stressful for Alex?

He has been to an exotics vet, who is only about 15 minutes from me, he was fine.


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Why is My Quaker Parrot Becoming More Antisocial?

Why is My Quaker Parrot Becoming More Antisocial?

Eva W. relates:

I have an 8-year-old female Quaker parrot who is becoming more and more antisocial as she ages.

I have had her since she was a baby.

She was always very skeptical of new things and situations which is probably good.

But there was not a lot of curiosity in her behavior.

She never wanted to step up on my hand.

She bites me any chance she gets even though I am her chosen person. (more…)

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Does A Pet Bird Need To Sit On the Same Perch All Day?

In response to our Nov 4th 2019 Birdie Brunch

Rio Hemmings commented

I agree that birds will land on any perch in the wild, but caged life is different, they have to sit on the same perch all day so it needs to be comfortable, I do gymnastics and pole so I know how uncomfortable and painful it is when the pole is too wide I can’t work with it. 


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How To Introduce New Toys That Parrots Should Play With
Funny budgerigar. Cute green budgie pa parrot sits in a cage and plays with a mirror. Funny tamed pet bird and her toys

How To Introduce New Toys That Parrots Should Play With

And How to Discourage Items They Should Leave Alone

I had a screen saver a while back with an umbrella cockatoo and the words (from the cockatoo’s perspective), “What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is mine, if you put it down it is mine, if I see it it is mine, but if you give it to me, I don’t want it”.

This is so true for many parrots and can be used to introduce new toys and cage additions to your bird’s environment. 


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