Neighbor’s Are Suing Me for My Amazon’s Noise What Can I Do?

Neighbor’s Are Suing Me for My Amazon’s Noise What Can I Do?

Pamela S writes:


I’ve 2 yellow Naples 37 and 40 years of age I’ve had since hand feeding. 


Recently after 26 years in this neighborhood my neighbor after 8 years has taken me to court for noise violation.


They’re outdoor cages in Fl. With 1 umbrella cockatoo in this heat, the judge said I should cover them which would kill them.



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Should I Give Meds to My Conure to Relax and Quiet Him Down?
7641302 - green cheek conure parrot on top of blue cage against an off-white background

Should I Give Meds to My Conure to Relax and Quiet Him Down?

I rescued a male conure aged 3 yrs. Gino, is mean and a biter….No matter what I do. New cage. Change and varied foods. Very loud squawking


I adore him. He doesn’t feel the same. Meds to relax and quiet him down?!


Grama’s wondering



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Why Did My 3 yo Milagold Macaw Start Plucking Out of the Blue?

Why Did My 3 yo Milagold Macaw Start Plucking Out of the Blue?

Richard writes:

I have a 3-year-old Milagold Macaw, and his name is Rainbow.

Rainbow likes to bite and nibble things, like my clothes, my arm and whatever he can get.

How do I get him to stop, my arm has a lot of bruises from this, is there bird training classes for this or do I just tape his mouth close (LOL) please tell me what I should do?


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Is There A Hormone To Calm My Over Sexed African Grey Parrot?

Is There A Hormone To Calm My Over Sexed African Grey Parrot?

I have had my male African grey parrot for 28 years.

When he matured sexually years ago he started plucking.

I have him on a plumage supplement now and he has lots of new quills and looks much better.

However, he humps my arm with a thick sweater on.

He goes to completion if I let him once a day.


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CBD Oil – Miracle Cure For Birds Or Just The New Snake Oil

CBD Oil – Miracle Cure For Birds Or Just The New Snake Oil

On June 2, 2018 I responded to the question:


I, for the most part, pleaded ignorance and suggested that he not give his African Grey CBD oil based on my “spidey sense.”


Now I’m seeing more conversations about the use of CBD oil on all sorts of animals but obviously, my concern is the effects of CBD oil on our pet birds.


Let’s take a deep dive into the subject, shall we?


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Solving This Greys Feather Plucking With A New Nano Environment

Solving This Greys Feather Plucking With A New Nano Environment

Spoiler alert: This post and discussion illustrate how I reached my diagnosis:

Jan is plucking his feathers because his feet hurt.
He’s using his food dish to sleep.
This helps avoid pressure to the bottom of his feet  which he feels when they grip the smooth dowel rod perch.
That’s why he plucks in the sleeping cage – he wants the pain to ease.


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Windy City Parrot Defines Small And Medium Size Species Of Pet Birds

Small species pet birds

Birds we classify as “Smaller” species 

FYI  There’s something like 100 species of Conures. Conures need to be subdivided into small, medium & large (which is on our to-do list)

Green cheek conures weigh 64 grams (cockatiels are about 100 grams – Patagonian conures weight about 280 grams, about the size of a Timneh African grey.

Don’t think for a minute conures can be classified into one size category

Large Canaries

Gibber Canary


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How To Stop An Indian Ringneck Parrot From Biting

How To Stop An Indian Ringneck Parrot From Biting

We rescued a 15-year-old African ringneck about two months ago and renamed him Keto.

If he gets near my hand or arm he will lash out and try to bite me.

I’m very careful to avoid this.

Interestingly enough Catherine will draw him out of the cage with his big bell toy and he will play in her lap for half an hour, as long as she has the bell toy.

He will do anything for the bell toy.


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