How Do I Reduce My Male Budgies Aggression?

How Do I Reduce My Male Budgies Aggression?

I look forward to getting your email every Sunday and reading it has become as much a ritual as the old Sunday paper.

And now I have a question for you.

Thunder and Lightning are my bonded parakeets.

I’ve had them for years.

Last summer I saw more and more breeding activity, so I bought a box and let nature take its course.

Thunder laid four eggs, one of which was fertilized.


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Can I Put A Baby Budgie In With My Cockatiel?
playing parakeet and Cockatiel

Can I Put A Baby Budgie In With My Cockatiel?

Kim W. wants to know


Can I Put A Baby Budgie In With My Cockatiel?


Dear Kim


One-word answer. NO!


We recently were given a baby parakeet from a customer who found it outside her apartment building.


She could not keep it as she has an ailing bird currently and didn’t want to take a risk.



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If Albino Birds Are Mutations Why Do They Have Shorter Lifespans?

If Albino Birds Are Mutations Why Do They Have Shorter Lifespans?

Bruce S. relates:


Hi, recently Mom’s albino parakeet I’ve been taking care of crossed the rainbow bridge.


Mom passed in November (2020), and the bird had been with me for several years.


Believe he made it to almost 7 years old, and I’m waiting for info from the pet store on the exact age.


Just curious about your knowledge of albino parakeets, he was a sweet and cool bird.





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Did a 6 Week Absence Cause My Budgie’s Negative Behavior?

Did a 6 Week Absence Cause My Budgie’s Negative Behavior?

Hi Mitch,

My name is Barbara T, and you and I just spoke re my parakeet, Ricky, who has been treated by an Avian specialist, Gloria Goodman, VMD (website:, for mites since July 2nd, 2020.  

As I told you, I had surgery and my sister took care of the bird from May 12th through June 28th. 

I noticed immediately that his face looked like it had rot on it and he seemed “antsy”—pecking on his feathers and rubbing his head, especially around the eye area, on the cage. 

I called the vet and she saw him on July 2nd. 


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How Do I Care for a Splay Legged Parakeet?

How Do I Care for a Splay Legged Parakeet?

Suzanne H. is concerned about a Splayed leg 1-month-old parakeet.


My parakeets had 4 chicks. 3 are fine.


The youngest turned out to be a splayed leg.


Went to the vet with the baby.


He said there is just a 10% chance the baby could be fixed to be almost normal.


It didn’t work.



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