How Do I Treat My Female Parakeet’s Feather Cyst?

How Do I Treat My Female Parakeet’s Feather Cyst?

to Mitch@WCParrot


Hello, love your website have a parakeet female about 5 years old with a cyst on the left wing.


Our avian vet was not too helpful only said it could be a feather cyst after I suggested it.


She does not seem uncomfortable but the cyst is getting bigger mostly pink with whatever color of feather appears any suggestions?



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Is a Prevue 3181 the Right Size Playstand for My Parakeet?
common pet parakeet in front of white background

Is a Prevue 3181 the Right Size Playstand for My Parakeet?

Lisa H. wants to know,

Did I buy the right size play stand for my parakeet?

Hello. I probably should have asked you this Before I bought the play stand, but I was excited to receive it.

So now, before I open it, I would love to hear your opinion if I did right.


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Is There a Difference Between a Parakeet and a Budgie?

Is There a Difference Between a Parakeet and a Budgie?

Gabriella M. expresses these thoughts,


I’ve always had parakeets or budgies growing up.


I’ve always had one male and we always bonded.


I taught them to speak they all knew many many words they were adorable so I’m in the market for another budgie or parakeet but could you tell me the difference?



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Should You Really Buy the Biggest Cage You Can Afford?

Should You Really Buy the Biggest Cage You Can Afford?

Karen C. asks,

I know you’re supposed to house your pet in the largest cage you can afford.

At least that’s what I’ve read in past issues of Bird Talk.

Anyway, I’ve done my share of parakeet rescues and as of now, I’m down to 2 birds.

They’re housed in an older Prevue cage #F099 which I purchased when a pet shop by us was going out of business and was selling out their stock.


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How Do I Reduce My Male Budgies Aggression?

How Do I Reduce My Male Budgies Aggression?

I look forward to getting your email every Sunday and reading it has become as much a ritual as the old Sunday paper.

And now I have a question for you.

Thunder and Lightning are my bonded parakeets.

I’ve had them for years.

Last summer I saw more and more breeding activity, so I bought a box and let nature take its course.

Thunder laid four eggs, one of which was fertilized.


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Can I Put A Baby Budgie In With My Cockatiel?
playing parakeet and Cockatiel

Can I Put A Baby Budgie In With My Cockatiel?

Kim W. wants to know


Can I Put A Baby Budgie In With My Cockatiel?


Dear Kim


One-word answer. NO!


We recently were given a baby parakeet from a customer who found it outside her apartment building.


She could not keep it as she has an ailing bird currently and didn’t want to take a risk.



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