How To Introduce New Toys That Parrots Should Play With
Funny budgerigar. Cute green budgie pa parrot sits in a cage and plays with a mirror. Funny tamed pet bird and her toys

How To Introduce New Toys That Parrots Should Play With

And How to Discourage Items They Should Leave Alone

I had a screen saver a while back with an umbrella cockatoo and the words (from the cockatoo’s perspective), “What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is mine, if you put it down it is mine, if I see it it is mine, but if you give it to me, I don’t want it”.

This is so true for many parrots and can be used to introduce new toys and cage additions to your bird’s environment. 


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Does Styptic Powder On Blood Feathers Hurt My Bird?

Sarah writes:

Hi Mitch,


I’m a 25-year parrot rescue and parrot care specialist. 


In reading your blog about “Should a blind person care for a parrot,”. 


I was reading the blind woman’s response and her description about putting styptic powder on a blood feather. 


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Will Vitamin E Help Heal My Birds Foot Sores?

Will Vitamin E Help Heal My Birds Foot Sores?

Hi Mitch,


Thank you so much for getting back to me, what you had to say was very helpful. 


I do not know how to send pictures from my Chrome book, only know how to send pictures with my phone, I’m not very good with technology. 


I did get Alex a rope perch recently, but he won’t go near it as of yet.


I read on the parrot forum that Vitamin E oil is good for pressure sores. 


Do you agree? 


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Mickey And Her Senegals

Mickey And Her Senegals

Hi…I am a long-time friend of Nora…haven’t been able to contact her…so I am turning to you guys.

I will try to make a very long story short.

I adopted Kirby a 6-year-old Senegal, male, about 6 years ago. He is now about 15, not sure, don’t remember what year I got him…

Can’t get near him to read a band.

Anyway….he is a BEAST.


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My Green-cheek Conure Seems To Be Molting All The Time

Yes I have another question for you, my green-cheek conure seems to be molting all the time and he’s lost the two big red feathers in the tail and I can feel the feathers under his skin in between his back and wing feathers is this normal or is he short on calcium he will not touch a cuttlebone or any calcium bone to rub down his nails or beak so I have two perches, that are rough, he is a year and a half old, already really molted. 


Thank you very much! Jane


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Should Blind People Keep Pet Birds?

Should Blind People Keep Pet Birds?

This might be an interesting topic for a Birdie Brunch! 

Hello, I’m Laurie Cannon, who wrote to you about the possibility of adopting an older Green-Winged Macaw. 

We didn’t do that, however, we did contact a breeder about a Panama Amazon baby. 

She seemed almost horrified when she found out both my husband and I are totally blind. 


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Flighted Or Clipped Wings – Our Readers Weigh In

Flighted Or Clipped Wings – Our Readers Weigh In

You asked whether our birds are flighted. 


All three of our birds – African Grey, Dusky Pionus, Cockatiel – are fully flighted. 


We have a lot of large windows in our apartment but so far we have not had a problem. 


They all have their favorite routes and pretty much stick to them. 


The only time we have clipped our bird’s wings is when we were traveling internationally and they had to go through the health and customs inspections at the airports.


Lisa Y.



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