What Should I Do for a Hormonal Male Caique, 17 Years Old?

What Should I Do for a Hormonal Male Caique, 17 Years Old?

Donna L. asks:


What should I do for a hormonal male caique, 17 years old?


Screaming while holding a toy with his beak on the cage bottom or screaming while hanging on the cage bars, screaming at 2:30 AM.


Losing weight, killing any toy he can find, and just starting to pick at his chest and bottom of his foot.


Editor’s note: I suggest a magnified visual of both feet bottoms seeking any sores or irritations. Endnote


Stopped eating his pellets (Harrisons), I have combined them with other pellets, not interested. Will eat them if I soak them in water and mix them with cooked bird rice and spaghetti.


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What Are Feather Stress Bars? Does Your Bird Have Them?

What Are Feather Stress Bars? Does Your Bird Have Them?

If you’ve ever noticed strange lines running perpendicular (across) the shafts of your bird’s feathers these are what are called “stress bars”.

They are particularly noticeable when your bird is molting and are harder to see if the feathers are still on the bird. 

A bird’s feathers can be a great indicator of its overall health.
The growth of feathers requires a broad spectrum of nutrients and if how the bird is getting its nutrients into its body is disrupted while the feathers develop, feather stress bars can be produced.


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Do You Think Lupron Would Help or Hurt My Cockatiels Behavior?

Do You Think Lupron Would Help or Hurt My Cockatiels Behavior?

Joanne F. wonders aloud,


Been reading your blog about the effects of Lupron on female birds for egg-laying.


My vet is suggesting these injections for my male white face cockatiel, “Pico”.


Pico is literally like Jekyll and Hyde.


Very loving but can turn on you in a nanosecond.


He is so highly hormonal that almost anything is perceived as a potential mate.


Feet, sneakers, plastic Kind bar wrappers……the list is expanding.



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Did a 6 Week Absence Cause My Budgie’s Negative Behavior?

Did a 6 Week Absence Cause My Budgie’s Negative Behavior?

Hi Mitch,

My name is Barbara T, and you and I just spoke re my parakeet, Ricky, who has been treated by an Avian specialist, Gloria Goodman, VMD (website: avianexoticvetpa.com), for mites since July 2nd, 2020.  

As I told you, I had surgery and my sister took care of the bird from May 12th through June 28th. 

I noticed immediately that his face looked like it had rot on it and he seemed “antsy”—pecking on his feathers and rubbing his head, especially around the eye area, on the cage. 

I called the vet and she saw him on July 2nd. 


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Why Won’t This African Grey Play With His Toys?

Why Won’t This African Grey Play With His Toys?

Barbara G. is concerned about her African grey’s lack of interest in bird toys:

Hi Mitch, I really enjoy your Sunday bird info.

My male Timneh suddenly has become frightened of his toys.

Even a piñata shredding toy.

A few months ago, I purchased a bag of beautiful handmade all-natural bird toys.


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How Do You Rehabilitate a Biting Senegal Parrot?

How Do You Rehabilitate a Biting Senegal Parrot?

The following is in response to our feathered community member Patrick.

Hi Patrick B,

I have a 27-year old Senegal.  I was reading your post and thought I would offer a few suggestions to you. First, as Mitch said, try clicker training.  It is basically positive operant conditioning.  Birds do not understand the word “no” and yelling at them will teach them how to scream.  So please give it a try. 


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Do Lighting CRI Ratings Help Birds & What the Heck are They?

Do Lighting CRI Ratings Help Birds & What the Heck are They?


I wanted to inquire about the three bulbs I purchased that were delivered today.
They are not the same bulbs that are shown in the photo and I’m not seeing a CRI on the bulb itself to be able to confirm that these are full spectrum.
I tried doing a google search of the product and from what I found, these bulbs have a CRI of only 81 (not full spectrum).
The bulbs were not delivered in a product box, they were sitting in a plastic container and wrapped with packing materials, so again I can’t confirm if I was shipped the incorrect bulbs.
Can someone please look into this for me? 
Caitlin D.


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What are Your Thoughts on Using Lupron to Curb Egg Laying?
Veterinarian examining Alexandrine parakeet in clinic, closeup

What are Your Thoughts on Using Lupron to Curb Egg Laying?

Bonnie B. would like to know:


First I want to thank you for your very informative emails.


They are always filled with great information.


My question is what are your thoughts on Lupron and what effects of long term use.


I have a 30 yo female Umbrella Cockatoo that we’ve had for 11 years.


She laid an egg once or twice a year and then in 2015 after laying an egg she prolapsed on a Sunday.


Luckily we were able to get her into UC Davis.



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I Am Trying to Find Fluorescent Tube Lighting for My 2 Amazons

I Am Trying to Find Fluorescent Tube Lighting for My 2 Amazons

Marsha Asks:

Hi there – I’m trying to find fluorescent tube lighting for my two Amazons, as I understand the compact bulbs don’t carry quite the same punch.

What few I’ve found with high CRI (93+) and 5000K (Kelvin) are only available in packages, etc., so I’m wondering if LEDs rated at the same level are as beneficial, since workshop lamps, etc, of that sort, are easily available and much more easily installed.


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