What Are the Effects of My Chemotherapy on My Orange Wing Amazon?
Christy T. inquires,
Hi Catherine: I know you and Mitch have had many things in your newsletters about chemotherapy and birds.
Christy T. inquires,
Hi Catherine: I know you and Mitch have had many things in your newsletters about chemotherapy and birds.
I tried the 72-hour light treatment with my female Great Billed Parrot and the first night after it was done she laid another egg – please advise!
Nekton Relax for Birds
is a product designed to help alleviate stress in parrots and other birds.
Stress can have various negative effects on birds, including behavioral issues, health problems, and a reduced quality of life. Here’s how Nekton Relax can assist in managing parrot stress:
Anne relates the condition of her Double Yellow head Amazon
My 36-year-old has started showing these dark patches on feathers. What do you make of it? (see image above)
Dear Anne
Let’s start with parrots falling under a definite no.Â
Kea for one. The New Zealand Alpine parrot lives in the snowy mountains and is really smart but extremely destructive.
Formosa Blue Magpie (above)
Lisa K. has a conundrum with taking her Amazon outside,
Hi Mitch
I have a 23-year-old Blue Crown Conure named Louie.
June D. relates,
Catherine mentioned milk thistle liquid for helping manage liver disease in Amazon. Her diet is being changed and she is on a liver supplement from her Vet. Any suggestion regarding dosage would be very much appreciated.
Posey is 22 years of age and weighs 590 gms.
Deborah F. is looking to get new perches for my blue fronted amazon male and orange wing amazon female… they like to sit on the same perch during their out time ..which is most of the day.
Would this perch (small) or the same one in medium be strong enough to hold them both?
Coffee Tree Perch Natural Y by Prevue 9″ SmallÂ
Right now they have a medium Polly sand perch with no coating on it and it holds them just fine.
Good Morning, I am rescuing 2 abused Amazon parrots – Male / Female.
Both have 1 broken wing and cannot fly.
Female about 4-5 years old).
The male (about 15 yrs) picks the top of this wing and has scabs – not healed – what can I do to promote healing?
From my observation, both birds are under extreme stress.
Please let me know what I can apply topically to prevent further picking and plucking.
Cynthia W. writes
I finally saved up money to buy a huge bag of roasted peanuts and now I’m worried about the toxins.
I thought roasted would help, but I guess not.
I purchased (for human consumption) from a company that seems legit Hampton Farms No Salt Roasted In Shell Peanuts, 5 lb. Bag Brand: Hampton Farms.
Are Peanuts a Hazard for Birds?
(Not hermetically sealed just in a ziplock bag) I hate to throw them out as my parrots like them as a treat. I guess I need to peel from the shell from what I read as the shell has most of the Aflatoxin.