Can a Flighted Budgie Live With a Clipped Wing Budgie?

Can a Flighted Budgie Live With a Clipped Wing Budgie?

Hello. I enjoy your Sunday post very much. I have a question.

I’ve one bird fully flighted 6 months old. I’ve a second bird less than six months old with clipped wings. It seems the fully flighted bird bullys the clipped bird. I house them separately and give them free flight separately.


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What Do I Do for My Green Cheek Conures Beak Overgrowth?

What Do I Do for My Green Cheek Conures Beak Overgrowth?

Susan is seeking advice, 

My 9-year-old conure is having an issue with his beak.

Two months ago I had his Avian vet trim his top beak as it was very long. Less than a month later his bottom beak got really long. So back to the Vet Jax went. The vet said to give him hard nuts to chew or a cuttlebone.


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