Follow up to Using Homeopathic Remedies for Birds

Follow up to Using Homeopathic Remedies for Birds

I understand what you’re getting at and I appreciate it. They aren’t homeopathic remedies they are flower essences.
The bird would NOT come out of the cage at all in the last four homes and would bite viciously.
He was phobic of everything.
I tried the parrot training recommendations from and he would not come out, would not step up, and bloodied himself in fright.


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Why Fans and Feathers Don’t Mix Even in the Cage
An African Grey Parrot sitting on top of his cage preening his wing feathers.

Why Fans and Feathers Don’t Mix Even in the Cage

 As summer slowly creeps back into our lives we find ourselves breaking out the box fans, reversing the direction on the ceiling fans, and putting air-conditioners back in the windows. Many people ask us how I do know if my bird’s comfortable temperature wise?
Simply stated – if you’re comfortable, you’re birds are comfortable.

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Will Your Bird have the Same View for 50 Years?

Will Your Bird have the Same View for 50 Years?

Talk to a person on the phone Monday through Friday 10 – 4  All times  CST – 877- 287 – 0810.
Email [email protected] 24/7 for Bird Care and Pre or Post Sales Questions

In the video below its stated quite succinctly.

In the wild, parrots spend 50 to 70% of their daylight hours foraging for food.


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Additional Perils to Birds & Parrots
Additional Perils to Birds & Parrots

Additional Perils to Birds & Parrots

Friends, here are additional perils. 

  1. West Nile Virus — I bought a huge mosquito net, made to cover an outdoor gazebo, and put it over the cage and tuck it underneath, so no way can an insect get in. It is amazing how many different bugs I catch in that thing.
  2. Cold — I think you should sell thermal perches. All the birds love them, hot or cold. The older birds only want those. Medium is suitable for Amazons, conures etc. Smaller birds like cockatiels — use the size small.


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Cordless Rotary Bird Nail and Beak Trimmer Questions

Cordless Rotary Bird Nail and Beak Trimmer Questions

Hi Mitch,

How does the “Cordless rotary bird nail and beak trimmer” in your current promo compare with my dremel ( which is not cordless)?
Do I need thus for my birds if I have. A Dremel brand dremel (which I don’t use on my birds cuz it scares them, so I take them to the bird groomer.
Would this one you have be less noisy and upsetting to my birds than my Dremel (I have a CAG, a hawkhead, 2 lories, and lovebirds)

Any advice appreciated 🙂


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